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[alrighty, things about to get real nasty, by i mean nasty, there will be fights here, and some shit like that, you have been warned guys <3] 

China and America got invited into a party, It took alot of convincing to china to let America come with as America wore a gold dress that is a half shoulder dress and also wearing heels and some hats, giggling as she thought China would adore her in this clothes, since she picked the color yellow which is one of China's favorite color, going down to China who was already dressed, giving a small smile. "What do you think, love?" she asked, biting her bottom lip, giggling. "Looks great, love." China said as he scratched the back of his neck. "Thoughhh.." he leans closer, putting a collar/choker on her. "There, fits so much better!" 

America gulped. "It feels uncomfortable around my neck.." she mumbled at China rolled his eyes at. "You're fine, it looks fine, now lets go, we wouldn't wanna be late to the party." He smiled as he dragged her inside the car. America sighed as she felt like China was being mean again as she nodded, them arriving to the party, the entrance was massive and gorgeous, it was definitely a sight worth to see in as the inside of it was more beautiful, America amazed as she was about to walk and look around, before being grabbed by China. "Don't try wondering off too far without me, okay?" He said sternly as he  sounded like he didn't trust her, making America slap her arm away. "Jesus, I'm not a child, don't you trust me?" she scoffed, crossing her arms.

"I do, but how can I be sure you won't run away from me again? so you better not wonder off too far, I'll be with the others." what China meant by others is Vietnam, Thailand and North Korea as he walked over to Vietnam, who hugged him tightly and thanking him for coming as China smiled at her genuinely. America felt jealous since China never looked at her how he looked at Vietnam, sighing as she approached the others and sparked some conversation, that being Russia as Russia hugged her and asked how she was and if she is safe with China. Russia didn't like China one bit as for one,  he pained America and he hated America getting hurt, scoffing lightly. 

"Don't worry Russia, China changed! He's taking care of me and loving me properly, like I said, you don't have to worry about me!" America giggled in delight as Russia saw China flirting with Vietnam as an idea came up in his mind as he grinned, pulling out a gun. "Can you hold this for me?" America hesitates as she held the gun. "What are you going to do?" Russia could only smile as he kissed her forehead. "Oh nothing, I just want you to hold it for me, now, why don't we go check out China and Vietnam, shall we?" He winked, giving a hot smile as America nodded.

China saw Russia kiss America's forehead as he growled lowly,  seeing the two approach him and Vietnam. "Hello, Russia and.." Vietnam rolled her eyes. "America." Russia scoffs as he glared at Vietnam. "Yeah, Hello China and the side slut." China growled lowly as America was confused. "Uh? am I missing something here? why are you guys at each other's throat?" China forced a fake smile. "Nothing, 'Love'. How about we play a game?" China was about to drag America out before Russia grabbed America's arm, the other people staring at them as he sadistically smiled at China. "Yeah lets play a game, how about a drinking contest?" Russia smirked. "No, me and America needs to go." China pulled America close. "Need to go? or you're just a pussy?" That made China let go of  America and growled at Russia. "You're fucking on." 

And so it started, China and Russia was drinking, they had an agreement on who ever wins, takes America home, they didn't tell Vietnam nor America cause they thought it would only cause more of a scene as China and Russia's shots are equal from one another. "You're going to fucking loose, China." Russia snarled, taking two shots at once. "In your dreams,Russia. America's mine, everything about her is mine and you can't take her away from me." China laughed, taking three shots as somehow, the two girls, Vietnam and America is gone.

Apparently, Vietnam had dragged America to a corner and pinned her to the wall, glaring at her. "China's mine, go fuck off." she barked as America pushed her off. "Excuse me? I'm his girlfriend, bitch. YOU are the one who should back off, He's mine, not yours." Vietnam laughed as she held America's chin. "Oh really? last time I checked, I was first before you and, do you know what me and China has been doing behind your back?" Vietnam laughed. "He has been telling me he loves me more than he loves you, that you're just a toy to him and I'm the one he truly loves, he  whispers that in my ears everyday. Do you ever wonder why he never looked at you the way he looked at me? It's because he loves me, not you." Vietnam was about to continue before America slapped her, hurting her as Vietnam screamed, Her screams being heard by China and Russia as they both rushed to them.

China was pissed as he grabbed America by the hair. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?! YOU'RE HURTING HER!" Russia helped Vietnam up despite hating her as America screamed at China. "SHE DESERVES IT! AND SO DO YOU!" she pushed China down. "YOU'VE BEEN CHEATING ON ME WITH HER! I THOUGHT YOU CHANGED, YOU SAID YOU CHANGED!" America's tears fallen down as China stood up, grabbing her wrist, walking. "WE'RE FUCKING GOING HOME!" America cried as she  resisted. "NO! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! I'VE BEEN REACHING OUT TO YOU DESPITE EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE AND YOU STILL! CAN'T GET OUT OF YOUR ON WAY!" America growled as she was causing a scene, all eyes on them as she breathes in and out, turning her back on him. "GOD! I feel sorry for you." China growled as he blinked, grabbing her wrist. "DON'T TURN YOUR BACK ON ME!" America was shocked as she pushed him away, her tears falling, holding the gun Russia gave her. "I TURNED MY BACK ON YOU AGES AGO!" she aimed at his eye as China froze, surprised as America shot his eye, sending China back as she looked at him. "I hate you!" she said as Russia quickly got her out of there and drove home. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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