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(Buckle up, this chapter is kinda angsty- hUhu, its about Vietnam and China in the first thingies, you'll see- and sorry if I dont update this quite often, Im busy with things and I'm feeling down, I'm sorry. also, the chapters might include cuss, smuts and other nsfw themes, if you don't like it, i suggest to stop reading this.)
!!Warning;; Slight NSFW ahead.

{China already arrived home in this one, and it's almost afternoon.}

Vietnam arrived with a hickey on her neck as she snickered. "Hello babeee~" she said as she flipped her hair, hugging China, looking  up at him with loving eyes, China was about to kiss her as he then saw a hickey on her neck. "What is that?" he asked sternly, pushing her away from him, glaring hysterically at the woman. "W-what's what, b-babe?" The female began to sweat as she stared upon China in a frightened way. "WHY DO YOU HAVE A HICKEY ON YOUR GODDAMN NECK, WOMAN." China screams as he glared at her, trembling. "I-it's not what you think it is, d-dear!" Vietnam trembled as she stared at him with teary eyes. "NOT WHAT I GODDAMN THINK? YOU SLEPT WITH SOMEONE, DIDN'T YOU?!" China growled as he slapped her. "I-.." he froze, what have HE DONE? He was mad at her, though he did not expect himself to slap her, he just stared at her with emotionless eyes. "Get out of my sight.."

Vietnam's tears began to fall as she walks out of the door, driving to one of her friend's house as she stayed there, Meanwhile, China was stressing himself out as he frantically sobbed, after hours and hours..it was now night time, 7:45 PM, He drove to the Bar as he got drunk, trying to erase Vietnam on his mind for now as Vietnam was wrapped around her 'friend''s arm as they were sloppily making out.

China was stressed over this, he couldn't help but overthink as his tears fallen down from his green eyes, slightly shaking from the thought as a woman, a familiar woman walks inside to see him as she was in shock, walking towards him slowly. "Hey,  China.." the feminine voice spoke softly as she stared at the upset man. "Oh, hey there, Ame." He spoke out as he forced out a smile. 

America sat next to him as she sighed. "What's wrong..?" she asked, wiping the tears from his cheeks. "Why are you wasting your tears...?" she asked once again,  in a concerned tone. 

China began to explain what happened between Vietnam and him as he started balling his eyes out as he was slightly drunk, hugging onto her as he frantically sobbed and cried, looking away. 

America has never seen this side of China as she sighed, patting him, trying to comfort him. "It's okay..if this happens again, let her go, it's not right. You don't deserve such treatment like this.." she murmured as she give him a light kiss in his forehead, giving a comforting smile for him. "Cmon, you drank too much alcohol, let's go." The American woman snarled, she couldn't really take the reek of alcohol surrounding her, specially when it smells like
vodka. "But.." China didn't really wanna go, he was drunk, it was obvious in his tone. "I-i don't wannAaAaAaAa.." He whined like a little child, of course, America was unamused by his behavior as she dragged him at her car, droving off to her home. "You're sleeping in, I don't know where your house is, and I don't want you to drive yourself home cause you're literally drunk and you might even get hurt." She said with full concern, stopping infront of her modern home, China was having a mini breakdown on the back of America's car as he gets out of the car as he wobbled, trying to walk, almost falling as America manage to get a hold of him.
"You dork, you should be careful, you know." The American woman said, of course, with concern in her tone. She knew what China might do, or WILL do,  China looks like he was about to.. V o m  i t. she quickly pushed him inside of the house, then pushed him to the bathroom. "There, puke at the toilet, also, here." she grabs a few clothes and a new toothbrush for him . "Take a bath." The woman demanded, China stood up to quickly and thoroughly brush his teeth, but he was still drunk at this point, his eyes were blurry as he sloppily walks towards America, calling out Vietnam's name, hugging her from behind as he started to kiss her neck. "...Mmm..Vietnam.." he spoke in a deep, drunk tone.
America's face turns red out of the blue, looking at him, turning around as she gulped. "H-hey, I'm not-" she was cut off by China kissing her, America didn't know what to do as China reek the smell of vodka, China was holding onto her closely.
America parted her lips as China's tongue entered her mouth,  French kissing her as it lasted like 15 minutes but it only lasted for a moment as China pulls away, then started kissing her neck. "C-china..n-no..I'm not..V-vietnam- I-i..a-aagh~ N-not there, please-" America bites her finger, she has to admit, she never felt this way before and
she's WANTING more. Her moans were soft, loud and clear, China is giving her a huge hickey on her neck. "Mm..your scent is different, Vietnam, and your skin also..its more..nicer..and softer.." he spoke.
America sighed as she held onto him, trying to act like Vietnam. "Well then, dear..let's go to bed." she spoke softly as China nods. "But first, get take a bath." America pouted as China  kissed her neck. "Take a  bath with me." America blushed hardly as she agreed to make this quicker.
America and China took a bath together, China got a  bit touchy but luckily, not much happened, despite China being touchy and Horny. 

(Hello ya'll, I might update this more now, though, my mood is still super down, i hoper you guys understand, I love ya'll, also, Rp is open for me.
Words; 1014)

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