Chapter 10

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"Some memories never leave your bones.
Like salt in the sea; they become part of you.
And you carry them!"

*2 years ago*

"Where are we going Jay?" I asked him excitedly. It was his birthday and our two months anniversary.

"You'll see cupcake. It's a surprise!" He winked and then smiled at me. I'm so happy and excited to be with him.

Jayden parked his car outside someone's house, the house was giving me creepy vibes. The windows were all boarded up as if what was inside was too terrible to see, it was painted grey and the paint was chipping.

I looked at Jay uneasily and he gave me a reassuring smile which calmed me down, only a little! Ignoring the nagging doubt in the back of my mind, we both went inside the house.

The interior was not as creepy, surprisingly it was good. The walls were white, ancient paintings were hanging and in the middle of room there were couches and a coffee table on which there were so many cans of alcohol, some were scattered empty and some were still packed. It meant only one thing that we were not alone. No Jay would never do something to hurt me, he will protect me at any cost.

And again I stared back at the guy I like, his face was emotionless. I've never seen him like this, "What's going on Jayden? I thought we were going to celebrate our anniversary and your birthday. Just the two of us!" I questioned him, he looked at me still emotionless.

"Let me tell you something Ava, I can't do this anymore! I thought I liked you but I don't and one more thing stop being so childish and clingy it's suffocating!" he sneered at me and only one thing was going on in my mind, he doesn't like me!! That made my eyes tearing up.

"How can you do this to us? And I've never been clingy to you, all I wanted was to spend time with you!" I screamed at him, by now there was a group of guys who were watching us intensely some were totally wasted. Who are they? I thought.

"You seriously thought this was real? There is no us, there never was! You listening to me? Honestly we are done! I can't do this anymore." He yelled and slammed his fist on the pillar next to me, blood started oozing out of it.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I screamed at him in worry and took his bleeding hand in my mine but he jerked my hand away and stormed out of the house leaving me alone with those creeps. Now I was freaking scared!

I went to the table and picked up a beer can, the guys still staring and dashed out of that creepy house crying.

'How can he do this?'
'If he had never liked me then why did he say yes?'
'Why did he left me alone with those guys, what if something happened?'
With each thought, I took a big gulp of the beer and by the end I was tipsy.

Great I don't have any idea where the fuck I am and on top of that I'm drunk! Mom is going to kill me. Fuck my life!

The road was deserted, there was no car or anyone. I took my phone out and speed dialed Ian, I can't call any of my brothers or they would literally kill Jayden.

"Hey Ave! How's everything going? Having fun?" His voice was teasing, it made me remember everything that happened today and I started sobbing.

"I-Ian p-please come and take me h-home." I sobbed.

"What happened baby girl? What's wrong? Where are you, tell me what you see?"

"I-It's scary here there's n-no one! Please come soon. He left me he left me." I cried more and kept repeating 'he left me'...

"Ok ok calm down Ava, I'm coming hang in there! And don't hang up ok?" He assured me.

"Okay but come soon Ian..." I told him.

I don't know how much time has passed by, then came the sound of a car honking. I looked up and there he was, what is he doing here now? Wasn't that enough of torture what does he want to do now?

"Cupcake! Come on get in the car, I'll drive you back." He started while coming towards me.

"What are you doing here now? Wasn't that enough? Just get lost from my sight. I don't want to see you ever again!"

"Cupcake I know it was wrong of me but right now is not the time to discuss this just get in the car I'll drive you back!"

"Don't say anything, just shut up and call Ian and tell him where we are he'll come pick me up. I don't want to go anywhere with you!" I screamed at him.

"Okay fine I'll do that but we will talk about us and everything tomorrow for sure, please cupcake!"  He begged me.

"I don't care! Do you have any idea what could have happened to me there? You fucking left me alone!!"

"Yes I know Ava but I also know them, those guys are my friends, they would never do anything to you! Trust me."

"Just shut up and call Ian. I want to go home now!"

He stared at me once last time before calling Ian and told him the address.
After sometime we heard another honk and saw Ian and his driver.

"Come on Ave. And you bastard, what the fuck did you do to her? Why was she crying?" Ian bellowed at Jayden.
For a 15 year old, Ian was fair built than Jayden because his interests in sports.

"Ian let's go it doesn't matter now just take me home." I hugged him clutching his t-shirt in my fists.

As soon as we started leaving Jay held my hand but I jerked it away and went to sit in Ian's car and his driver drove off. When I looked outside the window, Jayden's shoulders were shaking meaning he was crying. Why was he crying now? Bullshit.

"What happened back then Ave?" Ian whispered while comforting me. I was hugging him like my life depended on it.

"Later Ian. I'm sorry." I mumbled. He nodded and hugged me more tightly.

I really hoped that day was the end but I was wrong...


- Ayushi ♡

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