Chapter four

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Chapter four:

I hit the delete button and decide to re-write the entire chapter again. When I started writing my first book, it was easy and it was even a bestseller but writing the second one seems difficult than ever. I don't want the plotlines to be similar but I do want to leave the trail from my previous book.

My mind keeps wandering back to unusual thoughts so I close my laptop screen and slide it away. I put my hands behind my head and lie down after releasing a breath.

I'm living in Charles' penthouse along with him and Ellie. They moved in four months back when Charles and she got engaged. Wes and I are the only ones living in Brimville. Almost everyone from my high school moved to bigger cities and towns. 

Charles is with mum right now. After him, Danny will stay with her and then me. I hear a knock on my door so I sit up and ask the person to come in. The door opens and Ellie walks in with a half-smile on her face.

I furrow my eyebrows. "What are you doing here?" I ask considering that she should've left for work.

"I didn't go. I feel a little nauseous and dizzy for some reason." She notices my worried expression and adds, "I'll be fine by tomorrow."

I nod. "I wanted to check up on you. How are you feeling?"

"Um, I'm good." I am, in any form, not good at all.

"I wish I could visit Laura but Charles ordered me not to leave the house until I feel good. Will you give my love to her if I don't feel good?" She asks gently.

"Yeah." She presses her lips together and strides away without saying another word. Ellie and I are friends, good ones but I don't really have the deep conversations with her.

I laugh at myself.

I don't have deep conversations with anyone.

My phone buzzes with Will's name flashing on it. I attend the call.

"Hello, sir. Will speaking," he says in a neutral voice.

"What is it?"

"Your agent, Ms. McCall wanted to meet you and ask about the progress. When should I set a meeting with her?"

I huff. "Didn't you tell her that I'm in Peakview?"

"I did, sir but she said she is there, too."

"Uh-okay. Set it for today evening at five."

"Sure. I'll email you the details and where she prefers to meet." I give an affirmative reply and hung up. Fiona McCall is my agent and my friend but we both prefer to keep our personal and business lives different. If she wanted to hang out, she would call me but if she wants to set a meeting, she would call Will, my assistant.


I walk into the café called Café Centre and see Fiona sitting in the furthest corner. She is busy typing something on her phone when I approach her. I sit across her and flash a forced smile as she keeps her phone away.

"How much progress have you made, Caleb?" She asks right away.

"A few chapters," I reply vaguely.

She gives me a look. "How many?"

I roll my eyes and lean back on the chair. "Twelve chapters. Twenty four thousand words."

She frowns. "That's it?" She is annoyed but mostly disappointed. "Caleb, you just have two more months or you'll lose the contract. Your fans are waiting for the next book. You have no idea how difficult it was to convince the agency to give you four months and not three."

"I know, Fiona. Life isn't going straight right now. My mum came across an accident yesterday."

"FYI, life is never straight. I hope your mother is fine but that happened yesterday. What were you doing from the past two months?" She glares at me.

"It was my brother's wedding and well, this book wasn't planned so I had a hard time to brainstorm."

She sighs but doesn't say anything. "I get it. A wedding can be hectic and exhausting."

That's when it clicks me. "Right. It's your wedding in a few weeks. How is the planning going?"

"Uh, don't ask. Kira and I are still not sure if we want a traditional wedding or beach one. Thankfully or wedding planner is quite good at this. She has given us a few days to decide while she plans the remaining stuff. I'm meeting her at six here."

I nod, not sure what to say. "How is your mother, anyway?"

"We don't know. Can't say much until tomorrow."

"Oh okay, I hope she's okay. I want Laura to be at our wedding. I want her to teach me to bake." Fiona smiles.

"Yeah. She'll be fine. She's strong."

An hour passes by. I glance at my watch and see that is almost six p.m. I throw a quick goodbye shake and tell her that it's my turn to watch over mom. She nods and hugs me before sitting back on the table. I push the door open when someone crashes into me.

We both step back from each other and I recognise who I crashed into. She avoids looking into my eyes.

"Uh, sorry, Mr. West," Sloane mutters.

What the fuck is wrong with this world? Why is it so desperate for me to crash into my past again and again?

"Whatever." I walk away and sit in my car.

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