VII: Saint's Past

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Quick Disclaimer

Keep in mind that Saint's past is really graphic and sad

So if you are triggered by rape, abuse, drug abuse or sex/human trafficking I'll leave a mark when Saint starts talking about it and when he stops


Zee looked over at Saint. Who was still crying. He wanted Saint to know that he was okay and that he was there.

"It's ok Saint I'm right here. Just take your time."

"I'm sorry I just don't know how to say this without crying."

"It's ok if you cry just let it out."

Trigger warning

"It was a long time ago. When I was a baby my parents died, well that's what the orphanage told me anyway. The orphanage was hell for me. I always got bullied for my feminine features from the other kids. And that no one would want me because I was ugly as they said. I couldn't tell you the amount of times I was spat on by those kids because I stopped counting."

Zee was taken aback by this. The fact that someone could call someone as beautiful as Saint ugly made his blood boil.

"But it got worse when I was adopted at the age of 7 among 3 other kids who were younger than me. One was 13. And the other 2 who were twins were 4. It was a big slap in the face to all the kids who said I'd never get adopted. But little did I know what was in store for me when I went to that house. We were adopted by a couple, I never learned their names. I just knew that they were the ones who adopted us. The first week was pretty great actually they gave us time to get to know each other. I learned that the one who was 13was named Tay and the 4 twins were named AJ and JJ. We all hit it off and became very good friends and the end of the week the counselors from the orphanage went to the house to make sure everything was in order and when they left that was when everything went to hell. We were all taken in separate rooms and not even good rooms more like prison rooms with padded walls and no bed. They would barely even feed us. Whenever they would enter the room it was never good."

Saint took a quick pause before starting to talk again.

"They would come into our rooms and beat the shit out of us knowing we were helpless kids. It was like they took advantage of us being weak. Then when we were on the floor they'd poor cold water on us and yell at us to 'GET UP FAGGOTS' once we did they'd beat us up again over and over again. Once a weak they would go into our rooms and rape the shit out of us call us whores and sluts. As they did so, it was mostly the 'father' who would beat us up, the only time the 'mother' would beat us up was when we were taking all of her husband's attention. She'd mostly beat me up because I was her husbands 'favorite' to rape. Whenever I heard Tay, AJ, or JJ scream in pain, I would yell 'Do it to me instead' and they'd always leave their room and finish what they started with me. When it was our birthdays we would get abused way worse. Then when Tay turned 16 they took him to be trafficked to whoever wanted to buy him. I haven't seen him since... Anyway when I was sold at the age of 16 that's when things really started to go to hell. They would beat me and rape me around the clock, daily. It made what I dealt with earlier look like child's play. So when I turned 18 I ran away from there and was homeless until I was 19 or something. During the time when I was homeless I was addicted to a number of drugs from cocaine to meth pretty much anything I could get my hands on I'd take. When I was 20 I overdosed on heroin and was taken to the hospital and I survived thankfully but after I went to the hospital I was checked into rehab which brought me back to those times when I would get beaten up because the room looked similar to the one they locked me in when I was a kid. Soon after I was released from rehab I got a new apartment, a job at the agency where you got me from and that pretty much brings us up to date. And it's so weird because working for the mafia is probably the safest I've ever felt in my entire life."

End of Scene

Zee didn't know what to say he just sat there hands still around Saint processing the information he was just given. He turned to Saint and looked at his saddened eyes.

He couldn't imagine going through half what Saint went through and the fact that Saint still came to work with a smile on his face made Zee feel an ache in his heart. He had a whole new respect for him which he didn't know existed.

"I know you probably feel disgusted by me now."


"Saint look at me."

Zee turned Saint's head to look up at him.

"You are not and never will be disgusting to me ever. Do you hear me?"

"But it was my fault I was too weak to stand up to them..."

"Saint Suppapong Udomkaewkanjana you are not weak, you are stronger than all of those bastards combined. You came out of all of that stronger."

"But I'm not loved I nev-"

Before Saint could finish, warm plump lips smashed into his own. At first Saint just sat there frozen allowing Zee to move against his lips. Then soon Saint responded to the kiss deepening it. Zee licked Saint's mouth, asking for an entrance which Saint granted him. Everything feeling they had went into this passionate kiss from Saint's self-doubt to Zee's reassurance.

They could have been making out for minutes or hours neither of them knew how much time past but soon Zee ended the kiss. Both panting for air. And pressed both their foreheads together.



End of Chapter 7 

Next chapter should be up in a couple of days

Until Next time


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