Chapter 13: The Calm Before the Storm

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Dooku murdered Mina Bonterri? It seemed unlikely, but then again. Dooku almost killed Tobias for failing on Umbara. And why would he want to continue the war? The Separatists just want to live their lives in peace.

 "Lux, a traitor?" Mila asked. 

"He's trying to fight for what's right. Or at least that's what he thinks." Tobias answered. 

"Well screw it." Fishbach replied. 

"Don't tell me we're defecting too." Tobias looked at Fishbach with confusion. 

"What?" Fishbach asked. 

"We're not defecting." Tobias answered. 

"Well why not?" Mila asked. 

"What?" Tobias asked. 

"Why wouldn't we defect? I mean Dooku killed Mina, Pyrus is dead. And Lux is now with the Republic." Mila explained. 

"And you think we should follow the Bonterri family?" Tobias asked. 

"No, I only meant." Mila started to say, but Tobias cut her off. 

"We'll talk about this later." He declared. 

"Just another few months, of waiting around and doing next to nothing." Fishbach sighed.

And the sad part was, Fishbach was right. The only interesting thing that happened was a raid on a Republic fleet heading toward Mygeeto. Mygeeto was under constant siege by the Republic. The Volunteer was attacking Republic ships, left and right. And by that point, the Raxus militia was tired and exhausted. Tobias was feeling that too.

"Can we go home now?" Fishbach asked. 

Tobias looked at the holomap with tired eyes. "Where the hell is Kalani?" Tobias asked. 

"Probably somewhere off, who knows, who cares." Fishbach answered. 

The war was coming into its third year into the conflict. And things for the Separatists had taken a turn for the worse. The Republic was winning, and they were now retaking mid rim and outer rim planets from the Separatist. Tobias even heard a dark rumor from Ando Prime that Queen Kaylee had been dealing with Republic Saboteurs seeking to infiltrate Ando Prime and pave the way for a Republic invasion. He didn't tell Mila, not without fear of making her upset. Galen then came over. 

"Look guys we've been away from home for almost another year now. You are tired, Captain. Our men are tired." Galen said. 

"And don't think that takes into account what Mila is feeling." Fishbach added. 

Tobias looked at Mila who was sleeping by the bridge. 

"You know what?" Tobias asked. 

"Screw this. We're going back to Raxus." Tobias declared. 

"You sure Dooku will let us do that?" Galen asked. 

"And screw Dooku, let's go home." Fishbach answered trying to get back on his feet. Tobias made an announcement. 

"Attention crew. We're heading home." Tobias declared. A loud cheer came from the militia.

The first time that the Militia had returned home it was one of joyful optimism. Now the war was still going on, and it was clear that the Republic would not yield, and neither would the Separatists. The Militia got off their shuttles to the arms of their families. Tobias just got on the shuttle to head to the Bonterri estate. 

"Still going to go to my sister, Riam?" Mila asked on the platform. 

"You know me so well, Mila." Fishbach answered. "Well, I'm going to go with Tobias. I'll see you later." Mila replied. 

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