Author's Note

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Hi! Welcome to my new story. This story is the second book in my Healing series but can be read as a stand alone. I'd like to say a few things before diving into this story so here goes!

1) I suck at covers and descriptions a lot, so I promise if you just give this book a chance it will be better than it originally looks! That being said, if anyone is skilled with making covers, I would be more than happy to have you make me one! :)

2) This book and any books in the Healing series can be read as stand alone books, but if you want you can check out the first book, The Healing Ranch. The timeline of this book falls somewhere between the last chapter and the epilogue of The Healing Ranch so you will also get some bonus knowledge of Tate and Megan's married life too! Some of the characters from the two books will overlap and there may be a few spoilers in this book about the first book so I would personally read that one first! Also by reading the first book, you get a better look at Cole Winters (one of our main characters) and have a chance to meet him and get to know him before all of this happens. If you have happened to read the first book already (thank you so so much for your support if you have) than be prepared to meet a different Cole. In the first book we met the sweet version of Cole who always seemed to have an answer to Tate's problems. However in this book, we get to see more of Cole's problems and who he really is. Don't worry though, there will be plenty of sweet Cole in this book and also some mentions of Tate and Megan too! ;)

3) Again I do not know how regular updates will be. I usually try to have a reserve of at least 2 chapters at all times so I can update semi-regularly. However, I do not know how well that will work with this book because I am going in without planning almost anything. I have the general plot of the story but everything else will be spur of the moment writing, which like I've said before can be good or bad. It is good because often I write when I am really inspired and it creates better writing. It can be bad because updates may be slower or the plot may get boring and dragged out but I will be reviewing this book often to make sure that chapters flow and still are interesting! So please be patient with updating!

4) I do not really use pictures but if I do they are not mine. Most I get from Google, unless I specifically state that they are mine.

5) I do not have experience with rodeos etc. I live on a ranch and have worked cattle all my life, but I'll admit that I have never been to a rodeo, nor do I live in the South. Since this book does take place in the South and does revolve around rodeo's I may get things wrong because they come from what I assume/have researched. Please do not be mean if you see something glaringly wrong or something that doesn't fit. Instead just shoot me a message about how to fix it and I will gladly change it and be very grateful for your input!

Okay now that that is all over, thank you so much for clicking on this story! I really hope you enjoy it and I also hope that it does as well as the first book in the series has! Thank you guys so much for all your support in reading my books. As I've mentioned before, it seems surreal that the first book in this series has so many reads as I have never had a book that interests people before and it feels so good to have my hard work validated and know that people enjoy what I create! Anyway without more talking from me, here is my new story! I hope you love it!


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