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Ricky's POV:

Gina and I were walking down the hallway when I had enough and asked her about what happened with the new girl.

"Yo Gina what was that out their I was kind of in the middle of something with that girl she was new and needed help?" I said.

" Um-I sorry I just you know how I get." She said.

" Well you need to stop I have never done anything to make you not trust me and I am allowed to have friends!" I said a little too loud that's when EJ decided to come over.

" Hey guys everything okay?" EJ asked and we both just looked at him and I stormed off.

Nini's POV:

I was walking down the hallway when I saw that kid what's his name oh yeah Ricky how could I forget that. We made eye contact when he stopped.

" Hey uh-Nini right?" Ricky asked.

" Yeah Ricky right?" Nini asked.

" That's me" he said with a goofy grin oh my gosh he is so cut wait no he is not he has a girlfriend.

That's when his friend EJ came over EJ was nice and cute, but not as cute as Ricky wait he has a girlfriend I cannot think of him like that.

" So who is this lovely lady you are talking to?" EJ asked.

" Hi my n-name is Nini." I stuttered.

Dang it Nini why did you have to stutter ugh!

" EJ aka this mans bestfriend." He said as he patted him on the chest and Ricky just laughed with his goofy smile.

" why don't we head to class Nini we actually have all classes together, so that's good news right?" He said.

"Oh yeah might actually enjoy the school year instead of being alone at least I have a friend." I said smiling and looking him in the eyes. We soon got interrupted, because Gina his girlfriend is apparently everywhere
at everytime.

" Hey um-Ricky can we talk?" Gina asked.

"Sure." He says and rolls his eyes you could tell he was annoyed, because I had not seen him stop smiling the whole time we talked.

EJ pulls me aside.

"I think we should go." He whispered.

" yep." I agree and we both fast walk away, because we had first period together and so did Ricky, but we read the room and left, because we were not interested in getting pulled into that argument they were about to have.

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