New Job

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General POV:

It had been two weeks since Ricky started his job and they had gotten into routine and they were both still confused on if they should tell eachother their feelings for them. They both wanted to, but they did not want their feelings for one another to get in the way of their friendship. Ricky and Nini were bestfriends now they hangout almost everyday after Ricky gets off work and then they go to one of their houses.

Ricky wanted to tell Nini and one time he even almost did, but EJ had walked into the cafe to talk to Ricky right as he almost said it. EJ was mostly over the whole Nini situation, but not over Nini he had asked me if it was okay to ask her out he had no excuse to say no, so he said sure with disappointment in his voice hoping EJ would get the hint.


I really like Nini I mean she was perfect I would even go to the cafe so that I could hang out with her, but when he was with her all he could think about was how beautiful she was him and Ricky had been bestfriends for as long as he had remembered and he could never imagine ruining that but when he saw Nini her smile just lit up the room. He ended up asking Ricky anyway which to his suprise Ricky said yes which made EJ happy so happy that he did not even realize his friend had quickly left after. When he got to school the next day he could not wait to ask her.

"Hey Nini." He said and waved she smiled and said hey back but he did not pay attention he just blurted out.

"You wanna hang out after at a restaurant you know what actually just anywhere you want to." He rambled on before she started laughing.

"Yeah sure EJ you did not have to ramble on about it." She said with a giggle and gosh it was so cute after that we had a small conversation after and I gave her a hug goodbye and left feeling amazing.

Nini's POV:

I have no clue why I had said yes to EJ, but he had become one of my friends and we were pretty close, but when we hugged it just did not have the energy that when Ricky and I hugged I felt like his hug was more of a friend hug Ricky's hug felt like it was just meant to be. Then I realized Ricky was across the hall I felt kind of bad, because he heard the whole conversation I ended up waving, but he just gave me and fake small smile.

Ricky's POV:

Did EJ ask if he could take her on a date...yes, but did I like it NO I hated it actually I was falling for this girl. I was across the hall when he did I had told him it was okay, but this hurt a lot when she waved at me I had no intention of waving back, so I have her a small fake smile. Since I had gotten job it kept me busy, so no awkward talks with my dad and no awkward talks with Nini which had been hanging out with EJ so I had backed up eventhough it hurt like hell to stop talking to her as much she stopped coming by the cafe and soon we just never talked until something a long time down the road.

(Wow talk about a plot twist the next one is going to take place a year later when EJ is dating Nini which they both had stopped talking to Ricky who had become a player let's see where this goes.)

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