You Fucker

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Present Mic, crying as he stands before his fallen student, "It didn't have to be this way!"

Kirishima, frozen on the ground, "I'm sorry bro.." he whispered before pushing the button.

A loud explosion sounded from behind Present Mic, and the last thing he saw was Midoriya Izuku flying towards him, Nerf 'N Strike Mega Mega Mastodon in hand, screaming at the top of his lungs, "IT'S NERF OR NOTHING"

Aizawa was highly disappointed in his fellow teachers.

"So, let me get this straight, you had to dress up as cats and do the macarena for an hour, causing you to forsake your teaching duty, because you guys lost a Nerf War to amateurs?"

Six grown adults and one mouse nodded their heads in shame.

"How? However ridiculous the situation, you guys should have the skill and reflexes to beat them, consider your pride to be non-existent."

"But they had Izuku-"

"I don't want to hear it!"

Suddenly, the door burst open to reveal Izuku with a knowing smile.

"How about a game, EraserHead?"

Aizawa looked at Nedzu before staring Izuku down, "Your on."


The entire school sat around the gymnasium, eagerly awaiting the battle at hand. It was Izuku versus Aizawa, the winner would get the joy in watching their opponent either in shame with cat ears and tail in plain view. A special quirk holder had been called in who could turn a person into a Neko, the drawback was that it wasn't reversible. The stakes were high, and neither could afford to lose.

Izuku smiled, "Are you ready EraserHead?"

"What's the game."

Both contestants turned to Midnight, who had been standing on a podium next to a giant wheel.

"If Midnight would be so kind as to spin the wheel, we shall soon find out!"

Everybody stared in anticipation as Midnight spun the wheel with all her might.





Present Mic screamed into the mic, "The game of fate is....


Aizawa grinned, he could do this.

Izuku remained blank, giving no clue as to what he was thinking.

The crowd was wild.

The two sat down on opposite ends of a table, Midnight laid out the game. "I assume you two know the rules?"

Aizawa nodded, and was shocked when Izuku nodded his head as well.

"Then the game begins!"

*cue parlor music*

There was no need for betting chips, but they were there for fun. Izuku was the first to beg with 10 out of 45 chips.

Aizawa matched his bet with 10 of his own.

The game went back and forth, a couple swear words from each side, but other wise silent.

And then the high time came.

"Are you boys ready?" Shouted Midnight.

They nodded solemnly.

"Present Mic, begin the count down!!"


Aizawa glances at Izuku, who was looking worriedly at his cards.


Aizawa looked at Midnight, who was sweating from the heat of the room. (He didn't know that she and Nedzu had a secret bet against Hound Dog. He thought Aizawa would win, Midnight and Nedzu bet 20,000 yen otherwise.)


Aizawa connected eyes with his husband, who gave a sly smile.


Aizawa glances once more at Izuku, wanting to savor the look on his face when he lost.


Izuku smiled.


"Straight Flush." Aizawa declared with the authority of a thousand kings.

Midnight really began to sweat.

The crowd was silent, they knew this would happen, although a few were still shocked.

Aizawa began to stand up when a silent voice challenged his pride.

"Royal Flush."

The stadium erupted into noise. Somehow, Izuku had won. Midnight heaved a sigh in relief.

Izuku stood up from his chair and left the room, but not before looking back and giving a Cheshire smile, "You never stood a chance."

That smile would haunt Aizawa forever.


Class the next day was filled with anticipation. What would happen?

Finally, Aizawa walked into the room, cat ears and tail in all. When he made eye contact with Izuku the shame on his face glowed.

Izuku held a smile before shooting Aizawa a text.

From: Problem Child

Hizashi likes the upgrade doesn't he?

Just as Aizawa was about to strangle Izuku, the speakers saved his life.

"Midoriya Izuku, you are needed in the principals office."

Izuku walked out of the room, and shivered.

Back in class, Aizawa laughed.

"What's so funny, sir?" Asked Denki.

"Something that cost a lot of money."

A few minutes later, two big men in black suites came into the classroom carrying a giant black container.

"You can set it over there," Aizawa told them, pointing to the spot underneath the board. In plain sight of the class.

A large growl erupted from the container.

"Where's Izuku?" Kirishima inquired. (Big word funny)

EraserHead gleamed, "right here." And he pulled back the blanket covering the container.

There, in the center of it, was Izuku, cat ears, tail, and all.


"Me and Nedzu had a little talk while the transformer quirk holder was on her way. It cost 30,000 yen, but it was worth it."

"You fucker."

The creativeness had to be released. And I had a stupid idea. Now both are Nekos ahahaha.

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