Ex's and Second Chances

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Louis’ POV

I can’t believe Eleanor said that! Like who would ever do something like that?

I decided to go talk to El while Jas was asleep. It’s been pretty tough on her these last couple of weeks.

I didn’t know what room or floor she was staying on, so I decided to text her:

‘El, which room are you staying in?’

‘Why? Did u get tired of that pathetic girl you're staying with already?’

‘NO! I never will get tired of her. I just have to ask u something’

‘Kay, I’m on the 5th floor, room 539. I’ll be waiting ;)’

Seriously? Even through text she’s trying to get me back. Well sorry El, I won’t ever leave Jasmine for someone like you.


*Knock knock*

El quickly opened the door. She was wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

“El, what the hell?”

“What?” she tried to act innocent, but I could see right through her.

“Why the hell would you say so much shit to Jas?! She hasn’t done anything to you!” I yelled at her. We were still outside her room, I was in the hallway and she was leaning against her doorframe.

“Lou, you’re creating a scene. I don’t want people to find out I’m here. Come inside”

Well she was right. I didn’t wanna let people know I was here either.

“Fine” I agreed and went inside. The room was pretty lightly-dimmed. I wonder why.

“El? Why are all the lights --” but before I could finish my sentence, she attacked her lips with mine, but I pushed her away before anyone saw us. The door was still open. I really didn’t want some fans or paps to see this and create some fucked up rumors.

“What the hell El?!” I yelled at her, but she wasn’t interested in that. She was just looking at someone behind her. Wait, who saw this?

I turned around to see the last person I wanted to see all this -- Jasmine.

Her eyes were watery and she let a few tears escape.

“Why?” she asked.

“Jas, it’s not what it looks like?”

“Oh, so you weren’t just kissing your ex?”

“Jas, I didn’t kiss her. She kissed me. You have to believe me”

“Save it Louis” she started to walk out, but turned around to say one last thing, “and I thought you were different”

“Jas!” I yelled after her, but I knew it. She was gone.

“I hope you’re happy” I spat at Eleanor and walked out of her room. I had to find Jas, before it was too late.

Jasmine’s POV

I woke up on an empty bed. Last I remember, I fell asleep on Lou’s chest. I wonder where he went. So I decided to ring him up, but realized his phone was on the nightstand next to the bed. Curiosity took over me and I just had to look through it. First, I looked through his pictures. He had so many pictures of us, and there was one from the other day at the aquarium. The day he kissed my cheek. And many more from our date and trip to the mall. There were some of me sleeping.

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