Movie Day!

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We slept the whole day and woke up the next morning by a knock on the door.

“I’ll get it” Louis said as he got up from my bed and walked over to the door. I heard quiet chatting and people walking in. The rest of the guys and Riley walked in.

“JAS!” Riley ran up to me and tackled me in a hug.

“RILEY!” I yelled back. She laughed and released me from her arms.

“So what happened?” she whispered into my ear.

“Nothing. He just apologized”

“You two were here for pretty long” she winked.

“Shutup!” I said back, but I said it pretty loud so the rest of the guys heard us and brought their attention to us.

“What happened?” Harry asked.

“Nothing” I replied back rather quickly.

“Sure” Riley replied as she got off my bed and walked over to her bed where Niall was sitting. I rolled my eyes.

“Are we doing anything today?”

“We can go see movie?”

“Brave!” I yelled.(A/N: I don’t know what movies came out in summer in London)

“We should totally see that movie!” Riley agreed.

“Isn’t that the new Disney movie?” Harry asked. I nodded my head.

“I’ll go call for tickets” Liam said.

“I’ll go change” I said as I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

I changed into a floral crop top and black skinny jeans and flats.

“Ready?” Louis asked.

“Yup, where are the others?” I noticed the room was completely quiet.

“They’re waiting in the lobby”

“Okay” I nodded my head.

“Let’s go” I grabbed the keys, my phone, and wallet and put them in my bag and left.

The movie was really cute and funny. Merida’s brothers were adorable and super funny, (A/N: I actually saw it , and it’s a really good movie and super sweet) and we reached back to the hotel after a few hours.

As soon as we got inside, we were packed in the elevator in silence. Harry broke it by asking us, “Wanna come over to our room?”

“Sure” Riley cheered. I didn’t say anything. I looked over at Riley and noticed she was making out with Niall.

Seriously? Even when they’re not alone, they’re glued to each other’s faces.

“Get a room!” Louis yelled at them, jokingly.

They broke apart and looked at everyone shyly.

“Sorry” Riley spoke up softly.

I smiled at her, still not saying anything. Louis wrapped his arm around my waist and brought me closer to him, “You okay?”

I nodded but didn’t look at him.

“You sure. You seem kinda out of it”

“Just tired” I shrugged my shoulders.

How was I supposed to tell him?

When I got accepted to university, I was accepted to an early program, and they wanted me to start earlier than everyone else. I wasn't the only one accepted, so I wouldn't be alone, but that also meant I had to leave London sooner, meaning I would have to leave Louis.

I didn’t know how early at first, but I got a call today and they told me I would have to be back a month before classes start, and that means I have to leave in a week.

Guess this romance thing won’t last too long anymore, and I guess I gotta go back to living the normal life with no pop stars.

Sorry Louis, I don’t think this will last.

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