Chapter 13

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I hit someone so hard that my brain couldn't register any pain. Was I even in pain?
"Xea....Xea! Are you alright?!" A deep voice yelled.

I blinked and looked up at Quency.I looked down and then I started checking myself. I looked back up at Quency "h-how come we're not broken?"

He bursted out laughing so hard, he cried as he repeated what I said "Broken?" This seemed to make him laugh harder.

I tapped my foot impatiently, waiting for him to stop.

He wiped his eyes and clutched his sides, as he tried to breath and gain composure he said, with a chuckle "Soo...why are we not broken?" I glared up at him, daring him to laugh.

He cleared his throat "The reason we're not 'broken'" he said coughing to hide a chuckle. Before I could say anything, he hurriedly continued "It's because our power protects us from hurting our mate's. It's like a cusion to us and no matter how hard we try to hurt the other, it wouldn't work."

He scratched his head "sorry I forgot to mention this, but due to our pact, we're only allowed fifty feet from each other, or else this happens." He mad a wide gesture with his arms.

"Well, that would have been helpful a few minutes ago!" I sighed heavily. I looked away, feeling ackward about this next question but I had to know "so how does one unmate?"
"'s not easy, some say death, but that could lead the other one into insanity..." he held his chin thoughtfully "the other would be to painfully extract their blood out of you.... of course you're near death, when this process is being done. Your blood has to be drawn then extracted, any other methods..." he shrugged "I wouldn't know, our classes teaches us to make sure we find the one."

"Oh...." I looked up, not sure how to reply to that last one but I felt like I had to say something "That blood extraction Sounds painful" I tried looking everywhere except at him. I was feeling uncomfortable, that's when I noticed the time on my wrist watch. My eyes went wide.

"We need to get to the bus stop!" I looked down at my clothes "shoot! I'm not even ready!"

"Me neither" he said with a smirk. I just stared at his amazing smile and how warm it made me feel. "Like what you see?"

This coincided little.....

"Lets head to my place" he said.

I lifted a brow.

"Don't worry.." he shook his head "I just need to change and get cleaned up" he raised a brow "unless..."

"Stop!" I sighed "just hurry up and go get dressed." He came closer to me and turned. I just stood their confused. He turned his head to look at me and sighed when I didn't get it. "Fifty feet, remember?"

I hopped on to his back and we took off.


We arrived at his house. Yup you've guessed it, ROSEBUSH APARTMENTS.
We jumped up onto the third floor balcony. "Wait here, I'll be done soon." I nodded as he left.

Not even five seconds later, he was outside. He wore a baggy white shirt and blue jeans. He had black and white Polo shoes on and around his neck was black and white beats.

He looked amazing.
He cleared his throat. "I would like to boast more, but it's your turn now." He grabbed my arm and put me on his back. He smelled like fresh air and sweets. It was a nice combination, it fit him perfectly.

We zoomed straight up to my room. Why's he so darn fast, is this natural?

"Xea hurry, we only have five minutes."

I nodded and rushed to my closet, I pulled out a white dress that went to my knees and had loose sleeves, with a black and white belt to match. I looked over at him. He turned as i changed, I made sure to watch him so he wouldn't peek.

I swiftly threw my other clothes on the floor and under my bed. I had to dispose of them when I get home(Can't have mom seeing and questioning me about the tear and blood stains).

I turned and looked down into my closet floor, where I saw my glittery pair of silver flats.

"Xea!.. Sweety is that you?!" I heard mom yell as footsteps pounded up the stairs.

Dang it! Looks like makeup is out.
I bit my bottom lip and turned quickly. "Lets go, before she sees us"

He nodded and turned, so I could hop on his back. It's not until we got to the bus stop that I realized; One, I forgot an umbrella, eventhough I lost my other one and Two, we were matching like a couple.


We got off the bus and before we left to leave the mall and head into school, I grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Wait, I-I don't want people to see..."

"I know" he said cutting me off "so I'll walk fifty meters ahead of you, are you okay with that?"

"Y-yeah, I guess" I looked down because I wasn't so sure about that. Next thing I knew, my chin was being pulled up.

"Before I leave, I believe you don't need this anymore...." before I could understand what he was talking about or even realize what he was doing, until he jerked my sunglasses off my face.

"What the heck!" I yelled furiously as I closed my eyes "Why'd you..."

"Do you trust me?" He said interrupting me.

I stammered a reply "y-yes! But why'd you..."

"Then open your eyes"


"Trust me"

I did what he said and opened my eyes.

I looked around but the light was extremely and uncomfortably bright. But I was happy to be able to see, without hearting someone in the process. I ended up closing my eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

" just hurts to look"

"You'll get use to it, I could walk you?"

"Nah that's ok, just go on ahead" I peeked to see a pair of concerned eyes,but he turned and left so quickly, that if anyone was with us, I problably wouldn't be able to cover that up.

He had my sunglasses, so I had no choice but to look. I was walking slow, but I hadn't realized how slow I was going, until I felt that familiar tug go on and off, every so often.

I finally made it to school, I was squinting so hard that it hurt.
Why does it have to be so friggen bright out here?....I mean it's pretty cloudy and the sun isn't out.
I saw Quency, well barely for that matter. He had glanced over as, I crossed the street to get to the front entrance of the school. He looked concerned and nervous.

Right then I made a huge mistake, I opened my eyes wider, to show that I was okay and that he didn't have to worry. But that was stupid because I closed my eyes quickly, do to the painful impact of the light.

That's when I heard it. I froze as the honk got louder, as the car came closer.

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