Part 1 | Catra and Adora

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Author's Note:

What you are about to read is an epilogue of She-ra created by my imagination and references from the series itself. This is only a fanfiction! I made this because I felt like something was missing and merely because I want to see more of their stories. CUZ I MISS SHE-RA SO MUCH 😭💕 If you haven't watched it yet, please do, because this is how I want the continuation to be like 😊 I hope you guys will like/love it! Happy Pride Month!! 🏳️‍🌈💖

Two Days after the war...

On a sunny day in the Bright Moon Castle, Glimmer can be seen in the kitchen preparing for their simple but hearty breakfast when Bow suddenly comes in and lends her a hand.

Bow: Hey, my love, what's for breakfast?

Glimmer: Oh, good morning, my love! I'm making meat buns. Wanna try some? 🥰

Bow: I'd love to but I might accidentally eat them all, so pass!😅 Instead, I wanna help you on making them! Can you teach me how?

Glimmer: Ooohh! That'd help me a bunch! So here's how you do it.

As the lovebirds are spending their precious time together-- I mean, as they make meat buns together, Adora and Catra wakes up and walks out of their room. Adora was the first one to open the door and smirks 😏 as she sees Catra's door left unopened.

Adora: Hey, Catra, are you awake?

Catra was about to turn the door knob but suddenly stops when she heard Adora's voice. She decided to not respond and let Adora wonder whether if she is awake or not.. just to tease her girlfriend.

Adora: Hmm? I guess she's still in bed. We've been working so hard all day yesterday so she deserves more rest.

Catra hears Adora's footsteps growing fainter and fainter and realized she had gone now to the first floor.

Catra: Hah! 😏 I tricked that idiot once again! *opens the door and saw Adora standing in front of her*

Adora: Says who??? 😜

Catra: Kyaaa! *screams and jumps away like the cat she is*

Adora: You can't fool me with the same trick twice, Catra!

Catra: Ugghhhh! I hate you.

Adora: I love you~ *kisses Catra's forehead*

Catra: 😳 Y-You dummy! Of course, I love you, too...

Adora: Awww, you're so cute! No wonder why Bow teases you a lot.😂

Catra: I am NOT cute! 😠

Adora: HAHAHA Anyway, why don't you just stay in the same room with me? It's not like we didn't do sleepovers in the Horde before, did we?

Catra: No, it's okay. I can sleep very COMFORTABLY in my room anyway.

Adora: Oh yeah? The first time I laid on their bed didn't make me much comfortable, though.

Catra: I was being sarcastic, Adora.

Adora: What? You are?? Wait, what does sarcastic even mean?

Catra: Ugh, never mind. Let's just head down.

Adora: HAHAHA I'm just kidding. I know what that means. Tell me, you're still feeling guilty about everything, aren't you?

Catra: Oh, so you've noticed. Your naivety and idiocy can actually be cunning sometimes..

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