Part 4 | Scorpia and Perfuma

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On a beautiful day in the Kingdom of Plumeria, Perfuma and the towns people are performing their usual morning ritual together with Scorpia, who volunteered to take part in this meaningful activity.

Perfuma: That's right, everyone. Keep your eyes closed and absorb the beauty of nature from within. Meditating is what gives us the power to struggle through every challenges we face. Performing this will give us inner peace.

They breath deeply and slowly while humming and listening to the voices of nature. While Perfuma is concentrating, she felt Scorpia's presence in front of her. She opens half of her eyes to take a glimpse.

Perfuma: Scorpia, what are you doing?

Scorpia: Oh! You said meditation can give the power to face every challenge--

Perfuma: And what does it have to do with you being in front of me?

Scorpia: Cuz for me, you're the one who gives me power. So, I don't need mediation! I just need to look at you to find my inner peace.

Perfuma: W-What?! O///O That's flattering to hear. But, you volunteered to take part in this activity sooo.. I believe you should be doing what we're doing as well. 😅

Scorpia: Aw, man! I've been wanting to do this for so long.

Perfuma: But, Scorpia, we keep seeing each other everyday, don't we?

Scorpia: I want to see your face when you're concentrating--Oh! Not just that! I want to see every kinds of faces you make. 🤩

Perfuma: Oh, Scorpia. I guess there's no stopping you, then. Can't say I'm not happy to hear that. It makes my heart jump out of happiness.

Scorpia: Yay! I'll be able to look at you now more often.

Perfuma: Uhh, do you mind if you sit a bit further? You being that close to me makes me feel flustered.

Scorpia: Oh, sure! No problem. uwu

Perfuma: Thanks!

When their morning ritual was over, it is now time for Perfuma to do her lecture on how to make a flower crown.

Perfuma: So for today, we're going to make something new! Instead of designing the flowers in such a crown-like manner, we'd be putting them all over our hair. I learned this technique from the Village of Elberon. Are you ready, guys?

Everyone: Yes, we are ready!

Perfuma: All right! Let's do this. We'll do each other's hairs and compare whose designs are more beautiful.

Scorpia: Wow, that's so cool! Perfuma, do mine! Do mine!

Perfuma: Of course, I'll do yours, silly!

Perfuma used the red Crysanthemum flowers to design Scorpia's white hair.

Perfuma: Do you know what this flower symbolizes?

Scorpia: Uhhh, scorpions?! Just like me?

Perfuma: No, dear. 😂 It means.. *leans closer to Scorpia and whispers to her ear*

...I love you.

Scorpia: 😳😳😳 R-Really?! I didn't know. Well, I really don't know much about flowers. But, what I do know is that they let me feel safe and warm.

Perfuma: That's a very beautiful thought! Here, I'll tell you every flowers' meanings so you'll have an idea.

Perfuma teaches Scorpia the kinds, names, and symbols of the several flowers surrounding Plumeria. While they were talking about flowers, one flower captivated Scorpia's eyes.

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