Part 9 | The Big Day ✨

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Four months have passed and the day of Adora and Catra's wedding has finally arrived! 💍 After everything that had happened in the past years, they will finally reach the climax of their life. This will be the turning point that will introduce them to new adventures and experiences. How are these two beautiful/gorgeous women handling this special day?


Adora and Catra are in a separate dressing room getting all dressed up with their exquisite and unique bridal gowns. The attire that they're wearing now were sewn by Double Trouble who got to imitate a real tailor from another country. It was made with the finest silk fabric and delicate craftsmanship. Way to go, Double Trouble! However, those are not for free. They have to be paid for a huge price but oh, well! It's now Double Trouble's newfound living.


The wedding will be taking place in one of the Bright Moon's special rooms dedicated to this kind of occasion. The room is so big that hundreds of people can occupy it. It is an open room where you can see the scenic view of the sparkling waterfall from outside the windows. The entire place was filled with varieties of ravishing flowers and chandeliers that are hanging up on the ceiling. There is also a giant screen hanging up above the altar which can show moving pictures inside. The blue and yellow colored-wedding cake was topped with a tiny ice sculpture of Catra and Adora's figure.


Before the wedding starts...

The Wedding Organizer, Queen Glimmer and Bow, entrusted all the necessary preparations to their friends and supervises them whenever they can.

Glimmer: Perfuma, are the flowers all set?

Perfuma: Yes, Queen Glimmer. I decorated the room with the flowers I've created with my power and effort. I've also added flowers on Adora and Catra's hair to double up their beauty!!

Glimmer: Great! How about you, Mermista? Did you do already what I asked of you?

Mermista: Yeah. I used my awesome and cool powers to create this sparkly waterfall you are seeing right now. I'm so amazing!

Glimmer: Yes, yes. You are amazing. Thanks for that. Umm, how about you Entrapta?

Entrapta, who is busy with operating the giant screen machine that she created, didn't notice that Glimmer was already calling out to her.

Glimmer: Entrapta!!

Entrapta: *startled* Oh, hi, Glimmer! I was just finishing what you've asked of me.

Glimmer: I see. Is it done now?

Entrapta: Yep! I'm almost done!

Bow: My love, some of the guests are already here. Where should I take them?

Glimmer: Let's assist them in the waiting area first so they can relax before the event starts.

Wrong Hordak: Brothers, the most delicious wedding cake made in history is now complete. I hope it is to your liking! Ehe *winks*

Bow: This is fantastic, buddy! You're like a full-fledged baker now!

Glimmer: He is right! This is better than what we expected. Thanks, Wrong Hordak!

Wrong Hordak: It is an honor to be of service to my exalted brothers. *bows*

Glimmer noticed the ice sculpture of Adora and Catra's figure on top of the wedding cake.

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