a hole in time

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Henry pinched the bridge of his nose sighing, "she's on her last leg (y/n), I think it's time we let her go" he shifted slightly in his seat, throwing down the stack of lawsuits filled against him.

It had been a long slow and dreadful year for the diner. First the disappearence of children, of William, and Henry's work ethic. Everyone lost something in the past year. To say the least, without William, the fredbear establishment had plumitted into a dark hole.

I had made my way out of the office and into mine...Williams old office

I had occupied it for over a little then seven months, that should've been enough time to settle in, or so one would've thought. Williams belongings still littered the room. Everything from his coffee mug and family photo, to his jacket and wallet, which was oddly enough found in the parts and service room.

I sat forward in the leather rolling chair, leaning against the hard oak table. It smelled of sweat maple. I crossed my arms, burning my face into it.

Things were so much easier with you here...

A soft knock at the door had rung throughout the quiet room.

I looked up to be met with Henry's eyes. "hey, I need you too manage the diner today" I tilted my head in confusion. He simply held a large manilla envelope titled "lawsuit" and motioned too it. "Court" he stated simply. I nodded. "There's a birthday party in an hour or so, think you can manage fredbear"

I froze in place. "Freadbear?" I questioned. He sighed in annoyance. "(y/n).." he stated softly, "There's nothing wrong with the suit". I had been biting my lower lip to the point of nerve agitation, Henry took notice. I had unknowingly been clutching the locket around my neck.

"(Y/n) ..." he started. "What happened a year ago, was no one's fault." He cooed. He peered past the doorway, he was going to be late if he didn't leave soon.

"Then let me use spring Bonnie...." I stated quietly, as my gaze shifted to the family portrait at the end of my desk. "No..." He stated through gritted teeth, almost as a threat.

Ever since Williams disappearence he hadn't used or even let spring Bonnie out of the parts and service room. He didn't even like anyone going in it. "alright" I stated simply, and with that he nodded and was off.

I looked at the family portrait, Elizabeth,Micheal, Chris, and Lora. Their genuine smiles. I gazed at where William should be, the tall thicker version of the man I knew I never got too see but missed.

"I better go get ready.." I mumbled, short of breath. I exited the office, making sure to lock the office door on my way out.

Fredbear had always been stored in the parts and service room....ya know,..where Bonnie is...

"Can we go inside fredbear today" it asked.  I looked down, the short male had been staring at me for a good ten minutes. I shook my head, "not today.."I stated quietly. He frowned, well as much as a crying dead child could. His eyes had been seeping a tear like substance, his skin, as ash as a full moon. He had Tufts of chocolate brown hair, poking out this way and that, all tied down with blood stained bandages.

I unlocked the door, pushing it slowly, as to let gravity take control. It slid half way open before I entered.

It was quiet

Chris hadnt come into the room. He never did.  I waved as he stared at me, cold and lifeless. The hallway light had been on, in comparison to the pitch black service room giving him and erie glow from behind. His eyes had pierced mine with glacier white pupals and vanished. It sent shivers down my spine. I loved the kid to death, but he definitely had his moments. I switched the light on from the far end of the room, as light erupted the darkness settled around me. There they were. Fredbear and Bonnie...

William Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now