just a ghost

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I woke up to the sound of Henry yelling from downstairs, it was alarming not cause of his voice, or temper, but because he was yelling, something Henry had almost never done. I quickly threw my sheets off, it was so cold, and raced down stairs. My feet pounded down each step, as the stairs grew shorter, his voice got louder.

"I don't care! I invited you too my home and disgraced me by-!"  William placed his hand over Henry's mouth, a he caught sight of me. "don't you dare-" Henry's eyes met yours.

"Everything okay dad?" I asked, my lip began to quiver. I hated seeing him mad, mainly because he was just such a good man. "Everything is fine sweetie" he smiled hugging me, completely ignoring william. His arms tightened a my sides he felt so warm, his heart beat, loud and strong not because of his anger, but because he was always like this. I gladly returned it, getting my chance too look at William, he had been...tired?

He seemed paler then usual, thinner, his eyes as dead as usual. "hey will" I smiled, Henry quickly released me, as if almost immediately remembering why he was angry. I walked forwards and gave him a gentle hug, wrapping my arms around his torso and burying my face into his chest. William, surprised by these actions, flinched not hugging back. While it made me a bit sad I smiled none the less, releasing him from my grasp. "w-why did you .." he trailed off, searching my eyes for a moment as if he'd have the answer to his question.

"You look like you needed one" I stated simply. I smiled as the man grabbed my by my shoulders. His hand felt icy cold, yet still somehow warmer then mine. It was so strange, it's as if my senses to all human bodily functions became heightened. It was peculiar, my body began to numb.

My sense were heightening, but my body was giving. I felt it. I couldn't see it but I felt it.


"Well, if everything's fine here I'm going to go back up stairs and get more sleep.." I nervously laughed, pointing backwards with bother my thumbs. "oh-of course honey, sorry for waking you up" he smiled. I slowly walked backwards breaking Williams grasp, staring at the two men, I could see him in my peripheral vision...

My hand jerked violently to the left at my side, as much as I tried, as hard as it was, I was never able to look past him. I'm pretty sure if anyone else ever had they wouldn't either, no one simply ignores a dead child in the room.

He had always followed me, silently watched me.... He never left. Even if I couldn't see him he was there...

"He may not have taken you, but the suit did.... You are one of us...." It croaked

He was always there... Ever since the accident
13 months prior
"Hey mr.afton....im sorry your wife couldn't make it..she was busy with Elizabeth today..you know how she is" I laughed. I sighed looking how at the body cast that held a man. He had seemed...lifless , well more lifeless then William Afton normally would be.his hospital bed had been almost empty, as only his back had been applying pressure too it. His limbs had been suspended, above him, each joint in pieces by his most valued of creations.

Springbonnie..tsk more like springtrap...

He was a screaming crying mess by the time I had found him, luckily I was there in time,...any later and I would've lost him.

I set the bouquet of flowers  next too his bedside, it had already been 3 weeks and he still hasn't awoken. The room had been decorated with hundreds of flowers...all by yours truly. None from another soul. The only payment I had received from the pizzeria had all gone to buying him flowers everyday...most unmarked. I didn't want him to wake up too a room full of flowers from one person.

William Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now