stuck-in place, in time

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I scanned the room, everything seemed to shift. My head became clouded, as a distant ringing defend my ear. I looked at the floor

I had sat on the front row, sitting in a circle full of children,on what everyone thought would be fredbear's diner's last day in business. The children had been running this way and that, the sound of their rapping feet could be heard throughout the entire establishment.

If fredbear's was to go out today one one would complain, it was a perfect send off. You, Henry, Bonnie, fredbear, and most importantly....William.

A loud music box type of beat could be heard from the voice box's as they sang along. Everything was right, everyone was present...

"And thank you for coming to Fazbear's diner"! The golden toys smiled and waved as they excited the stage. Everytime they went on stage, they had everyone's attention, including mine.

Something was so mesmerising about the two, perhaps It was the way the sang, or laughed. But whatever the reason, I didn't see one to hate it. I glanced at the stage too see Bonnie peaking around the corner, waving. I smiled and waved back, as heat rose to my face.

Frebear came into view, shoving him. They seemed to be arguing. Or at the very least Henry was upset. The curtain closed and that was that.

I never saw him again...

"Fredbear..." I mummbled, almost as a whisper. My stomach began to twist and turn in knots under pressure. A slight gag came from my throat. My body was reacting with my thoughts, everything was in hyperdrive on overload.

"Fredbear...where's the..." I hesitated, giving the room one more scan, before I tested my conclusion.

'Breathe, you're panicking' I thought to myself. Despite my best efforts I couldn't, hyperventilation kicking in.

My body began to twitch in the springlocks, my lower legs beginning to sweat. 'shit'

I closed my eyes taking in a deep breath, I held it for a moment, tilting my head backwards, facing the ceiling.

A hot tear spilled from my eye, as I opened it...."fredbear...where's the other springlock suit..."

Word count: 358
Today's a short chapter. I'm getting a lot of dms asking for shorter chapters so I'll release a short on hear and there.

William Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now