stress reliever

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Here's a funny fnaf meme, God knows you'll need it for this chapter..(no I do not stick to the original fnaf story. I will, kinda but in my own order)

My eyes wandered aimlessly among the ceiling, for nothing in particular, it was just easier to stare then to think. I had been centered in the middle of my bed, knees up, with my hands to my chest, twirling a lock of my (h/c) hair. It felt soft, I would've cared if I hadn't been so numb. Stray, split ends jabbed at my finger as I slowly stroked it, feeling every bristle against my prints. My breathing had been steady, consistent, unlike my mood more recently.

It was a Saturday, it was gloomy, or maybe it was like that because that's how I felt. No, it was gloomy, it had been raining non stop, the sky an ember Black.

Henry had given me some much needed time off from clearing out the diner, Said it would do good for me, little did he know he was sending me too hell inside my own head. He left a little while ago, at the usual 8am, it was 4pm...

My eyes had centered on the clock , it had emited a bright red aura, bringing to life a new ambiance to the room. He left 8 hours ago..but, he was just here..

Had I been laying here thinking for that many hours...?

I struggled to get out of bed, after a few minuets of hesitation and comtemplation, I came to the realization that it was my day off. I sat up deciding to seize the day, although it had almost been over.

I sat at the edge of the bed, and peered at the room surrounding me. It had been neat, organised, almost foreign. Everything had been passed down to me from his previous daughter, charlie. I never moved anything, rearranged fear of upsetting Henry. It always stayed neat ,It wouldn't have been that way if it wasn't for Henry. He knew what kind of struggles I faced daily, and did his best to help me,  despite having problems of his own.

Or maybe he dosent want you too ruin Charlie's belongings..

The room around me had been a shell of a girl, nothing more then a hand-me-down of a child he could he could never get back, I felt like a replacement. More often then not I found him talking of her, of mourning her.

He would banter for hours on end about the things she loved and did. But sure enough, I found him trying to make them my habits, even calling me by her name at times... When he did so, he always realised his mistakes, I never corrected him on it. I would never know what it's like to loose a child.

Never say never...

My eyes caught a glimpse of the vanity mirror that sat purched on the dresser. My skin had been pale, it was almost ghostly. The lack of sunlight hadn't made a vitamin D deficiency any easier. My eyes had dark rings under them, it was a light shade of purple with a mixture of deep (s/c) . I had been sleep deprived from the night before. I had finally been getting used to not seeing William, although never coping I had been 'alright'. My hair was a ruffled mess, with a bit of bed head in there. I stared...and stared. I'm a shell, encased in a bundle of feelings.

My eyes caught glimpse of my drooping shirt, complementing my prominent collar eyes wandered hip thigh gap..

My eating habits had diminished over the last three months. Maybe I had been giving up, or maybe it had to deal with the stress of loosing the diner, yet somehow I maintained wide hips and a curved figure.

A loud gurgle came from my lower intestines, traveling its way up to my esophagus releasing a hunger frenzy in my mouth. "I better get some food inside my stomach before I disappear.." I noted.

I took one last look at the room before exciting and closing the door behind me, breifly throwing a warm fuzzy robe on, the house was freezing. I stared at the knob, softly releasing it, murmurs could be heard from downstairs. The hallway consisted of two large rooms, and almost an immediate stairway downstairs to the kitchen.

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