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"Stop acting stupid love" our faces millimeters apart, I could feel the stubble of his unshaven beard. My arms were dangling loosely around his neck, as were my legs around his waist.

"I know you've seen them. How they talk too you, you're just in denial" his hands snaked their way through my hair, his finger tips softly glided against my scalp. My grip tightened as my eyes began to roll back, it almost felt like I was about to reach an orgasm.

"Ahh-mmhm.." I moaned softly, before laughing, earning an erection from william. "If I'm dead, how are you touching me?" He only replied with a small snicker. "Oh (y/n). Tsk.tsk.tsk. typical (y/n)" he seemed to be breaking out in a sweat, as he bit his lower lip. His eyes scanned me for a moment before I felt a small pain ting at the back of my head.

"Here we go" he whispered, parting my hair to the right. I flinched, as pain shot throughout my body, ",feel that?" He smiled. I quickly smacked his hand away, seeing the trail of blood on his fingers "yeah I do" I winced glaring at him."henry could've come up with a better back story for this you know" he giggled.

When I had the dream, about getting trapped in the springlock suit, I had fallen, causing a fracture in my skull that would never heal, unless I had a plate inserted. Henry never wanted it in, he said it could stunt my brain growth so I went along with it.

He smiled, placing the two bloodied fingers on his tongue.

"William what the-" I felt his oposing two fingers enter my mouth as a strong pungent flavor washed over my tongue. I immediately tried too spit it out, but William's fingers were a majority of my mouth.

"You're so beautiful when you struggle" he snickered "ever tasted precum?". I watched as he unraveled himself from my sheets, I had forgotten just how thin he was, maybe he was always like this and i just don't remember, my memory has been failing me recently.

He exchanged his left pointer finger for his thumb, opening my jaw wide,if he had opened it any further and I was afraid it'd snap. "You're so beautiful my love" he sat atop of my pelvis, his hard erection at my lower stomach.

My love?

Did this sociopath actually harbor human emotions? Ever since he came back it was like he...

"I hope your not a biter" he giggled as he began to massage his head through the leg of his boxers. "All those kiddies were, except Charlie, you can't bite if you're not alive"

I felt my body stiffen, what had I gotten myself into? William's free hand pulled down the front of his boxers, until his member was free, I could see it twitching in excitement.

William noticed my stare "like what you see sweetheart?"

He sounded just like he did when we met...I understood Elizabeth's outcrys of rapidly shaking your head no, or yes, but I couldn't do any of these.

"You're so naive (y/n) " he started. "All the pieces are there but you can't even put it together...even charlie figured it out faster then you" he laughed. This laugh was diffrent, his breaths were ragged, unpredictable, and uneven.

His sweat had been dripping reputably, like someone doused him in it. He softly began to stroke his member, bucking his hips against mine, soft sweet moans could be heard as he begged for release. He tilted his head back in defeat, he couldn't wait any longer.

He placed his massive erection in my mouth, as he looked down on me, his eyes begging for me to take over. But what choice did I have?

He released the grip of my jaw, and slid my tongue against his shaft. His back arched, cause him to go deeper into my mouth, slowly back and forth I bobbed my head, taking as much as I thought I could each time.

William Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now