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Another day and 2 months had passed since Kenzie has started teaching at Riverdale High

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Another day and 2 months had passed since Kenzie has started teaching at Riverdale High. The kids loved her, not only because they didn't have to call her by her last name, but because she was such a down to earth person. She helped everyone, and never lost patience. There's one person in particular who loved her but hated to, Jughead Jones. He knew what his father thought about Kenzie, he knew his father was serious about the two of them. Jughead loved his mother and he felt like he was betraying her by loving Kenzie for his father.

Kenzie walked out of the teachers lounge after lunch, Jughead watched her intensely as a fellow male teacher walked out right behind her as well.

"Mackenzie you are one of the smartest woman I know." He smiled sweetly at her, but she doesn't even look up from reading the schools newspaper that she and Betty had edit to make absolutely perfect. "I want to pick your brain more, if you let me of course!" He stuttered. He was one of the younger male teachers, the kind of teacher that the female students swooned over. Jughead glared at the two of them, waiting for Kenzie to mess up in anyway. That way it was a reason to not like her.

"Actually, I'm seeing someone." She smiled with no shame, Jughead raised his eyebrows impressed with the woman. "If you have any questions feel free to ask them now!" The man frowned, but only nodded and walked away. Kenzie kept her smile, and began walking down the hall back to her room to teach her history class. Jughead took his usual seat in the class, right next to the window in the front row. Archie sat next to him, very giddy.

"What's with you?" Jughead asks, "You're never this excited for class."

"Kenzie is the coolest teacher at Riverdale High. I'm starting to love history, she actually makes it very interesting." Jughead's eyes almost pop out from the words coming out of Archie's mouth. Archie? Liking school? That was way uncalled for. "The last thing I was this interested in was music, now that Grundy is gone I want to put my focus elsewhere."

"Please don't tell me you have another teacher crush Arch." Jughead rolled his eyes. Archie only blushed as the bell rang and Kenzie started class. In the middle of class a student aide came in with on singular rose that had a letter attached to it. She handed it to Kenzie, who thanked her and read the letter. The glow on her face brightened, the class teased her making her turn as red as the rose in her hand. Jughead had trouble believing it was from his father, he was never the romantic type, but then again he was never the dating type either but look where he is. Kenzie went back to teaching, even putting a fun jeopardy game at the end of class so the students weren't so bored. She thanked everyone for their time as the bell rung, sitting at her desk and rereading the letter to herself. Jughead gave her one last look before exiting the room.

"That's awesome news Jug!...But you don't seem too happy about it." Betty sat with Jughead on the bleachers, everyone else joining them.

"I mean, she tried to protect me when no one else would. She's helped me get my first A in government. She even made my dad smile, the biggest smile I have never seen since our family was back together." Every one caught on to who he was talking about.

"Kenzie? What's not to like about her." Kevin's asks, getting his lunch out, Kevin adored Kenzie. Instead of seeing her as a dreadful teacher he saw her as an older sister. She gave great advice to the kids.

"If she does all of those things, why aren't you happy?" Betty asks.

"Yeah, if she really makes your dad happy then that's all that matters right?" Veronica pitches in. "Besides, I didn't even know she was dating anyone. Let alone your dad. It's probably not even that serious."

"He sent her a rose today in the middle of class." Jughead ate his carrot harshly. "I am happy for my dad, but if my mom ever comes back I don't want her to think we're replacing her."

"I'm sure your mom won't take it like that Jug, she left your dad. Your dad is just moving on, but I'm sure he'll always love your mom." Archie tries to comfort him.

"How about we ask Kenzie and your dad on a dinner date, we get to know her and see how she is with your dad and we'll take it from there." Betty offered, to which Jughead agreed. 

"Wait I wanna go. Seeing Kenzie swoon over a dad? Please count me in." Veronica obliged. Jughead panicked, he were afraid they would find out his biggest family secret. His dad being a Serpent. Not just a Serpent, the King of the Serpents.

"Actually, for now, I just think maybe it should be me and Betty. I don't want to make them feel like we're cornering them." He spoke quickly, excusing himself as well. Just as he got back inside he ran into someone, he apologized profusely before cutting himself off when he came face to face to Kenzie. "Oh uh, Kenzie. I'm really sorry about that."

"It's no worries Jughead." She smiles, he scratches the back of his neck. "Is everything okay?"

"I was just wondering if you and my dad wanted to come to dinner with Betty and I at Pops next week. A sort of welcome to the family dinner if you must." He mumbled but Kenzie heard him clearly. She nods quickly. She was starting to get the feeling that Jughead didn't like her. She tried to have little conversations with him but he would shut them down quickly. He kept their conversations strictly about school. But she understood why he was this way towards her. She never wanted to make it seem like she was replacing his mother.

"Of course! I would love to, I'll talk to FP about it and we'll see you next week?" Jughead only nods, watching as she left the school with a enthusiastic bounce in her step. She calls FP telling him the exciting news, Jughead could see her face gleaming from a distance. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all?

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