Scarlet Review

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I didn't like it. At all.

Maybe it's because Cinder was so AH-mazing and I was expecting Scarlet to be even better, but I could not stand Scarlet and...Wolf (ugh). They are the perfect example of that weird insta-love YA authors try to throw into their books, just to appeal to romance lovers. Now, I'll admit, my hatred of Scarlet is probably my fault. I have low-tolerance levels for stubborn, hot-heated female YA characters, like Scarlet, who think they know everything. That's something I need to work on. However, I blame Marissa Meyer, for my hatred of Scarlolf, or Warlet (Wolf x Scarlet). They're absolutely disgusting and they should NOT have been throwing the "L" word around after having only known each other for TWO DAYS.

Do I smell Romeo and Juliet here?

Sick. I just cannot STAND insta-love/lust stories. Cute, cheesy romances are my absolute FAV, as long as there is substantial reason and logic involved. I'm an idealist. I'm naive and I like to assume the best of people, but in real life, Scarlet and Wolf's situation would've ended up on CNN. The caption would've read, 19 YEAR-OLD MAN MURDERS YOUNG GIRL IN HER FRENCH HOME. Yep. I'm sorry it got so dark, but UGH. Why Marissa? Why??? All we needed, was extra TIME for their relationship.

Back to Scarlet. Her personality rendered the book totally unenjoyable for me. I MISSED Cinder SOO much in this novel, it's not even funny. And I couldn't help but compare the two characters. Scarlet, reminded me of Clary from TMI series. I'm a TMI fan for sure, but sometimes Clary was extremely annoying. Scarlet gave me the same vibes. Wolf tells her not to go look for her grandmother because it'll only get her killed, but what does she do? Go.


Anyway, here's my full and brief analysis of the book:

- Scarlet's chapters were slow moving and hard to care about

- hard to relate to and enjoy certain characters (I'm looking at you Scarlet and Wolf).

- not great, but not HORRIBLE.

So, go read it. Most people actually liked this book, even though not all that many loved it.

Rating; 6/10 stars???

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