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The shatter of the glass was heard loud and clear,
All the fragile hearts jumped in plain fear.
The clatter and shout was all that we could hear,
As you said, "A sorry ain't the answer dear!"

She rushed out of the place with a hue and cry,
But she wasn't apologetic; I could see in her eye.

She just wanted you back to get revenge on some fly,
And that completely darkened your once crystalline sky.

That's when I saw a hideous glow,
From beneath your stiff elbow.

A ring it was; hiding there afraid to go with the flow,
In that dreading moment you picked it up to throw.

It soon clicked beside my leg as I crouched down,
But seeing the initials 'AM' I couldn't help but frown.

That's when I got up from my seat in my golden gown,
To set you afloat before-in the bottomless ocean-you drown.

I looked into your blue eyes which were looking in mine,
A slight hesitation on your part freezing the time.

I placed the ring back saying it'll be all fine,
But I flinched when I realized that I didn't get my own line.

You realized my apprehension and offered a smile,
And before I know it we were getting drunk on wine.

At past midnight you got up and said it was a new high,
But I felt like this wouldn't be our last night.

You took that as your cue to fold,
The past heartbreak which was cold.

I wish you could find out before you get old,
That I've always been there for you and your heart of gold.

(to be continued....)

Hey guys, I thought about writing a continuing poem, it's kind of a story. So please bear with me!

This is my new project, kinda...

Anyways, the next half of the poem would be in his POV (point of view).

Hope you all like it as much as I do...

Since it's a new initiative (on my part) please comment below to let me know if you appreciate it or not.

Also, if you were wondering.... This is a mere piece of fiction. I've never drunk wine before (since I'm underage) and I've never met the mysterious guy in this poem before too (maybe in my imagination... But not in real life)

So, Hope that clears everything.

See you Butterflies tomorrow!

Have a great day ahead,


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