We're the Ducks?

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Here we were sitting in a big office, with Coach holding up a jersey. More specifically our New jersey's. "The Ducks? We're the Ducks?" Jesse asked in a confused tone. I sat on the right hand side of Connie, we both shared a look 'is he serious?' "Man, what brain-dead jerk came up with that name?" Peter said with a smirk on his face, causing us all to stifle a laugh. Coaches smiled dropped and turned serious, "As a matter of fact, I did. But I didn't have a choice. We're being sponsored." Averman then spoke up saying "By who? Donald and Daisy?" We all laughed at that but stopped when coach said "Hey, you don't wanna be Ducks? You'd rather be District Five? Some stupid number?" We all looked around the room sharing looks "Better than some stupid animal." I felt someone staring at me so I looked around the room seeing everyone was paying attention to what Peter had said, then I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Fulton staring at me. "I'll have you know, Peter, that the Duck is one of the most noble, agile and intelligent creatures of the animal kingdom." Coach finished off. "But they're wimpy." Connie spoke up, Guy looking at her and adding "They don't even have teeth." I nodded, waiting for Coach to say something back. "Neither do hockey players." We all smiled at that, Coach then started to walk around the room. "Have you guys ever seen a flock of ducks flying in perfect formation? It's beautiful. Pretty awesome the way they all stick together. Ducks never say die. Ever seen a duck fight?" At this point everyone was listening very intently. "No way. Why? Because the other animals are afraid. They know that if they mess with one duck, they gotta deal with the whole flock." Coach then stood back to where he was previously standing and ripped off his coat showing up the Ducks jersey underneath. "Oh, man!" We all groaned, suppressing a laugh. "I'm proud to be a duck. And I'd be proud to fly with any one of you. So how about it? Who's a Duck?" The room was silent as we all looked around at each other waiting for someone to speak. "I'll be a Duck." Fulton spoke up, leaning his hockey stick against the wall. I stood up as well as Charlie "Yeah. Me too." We both looked at each other and smiled. We walked over to the box trying to find our jerseys and soon enough everyone was over here with us. "Now we're the Ducks!" We all cheered, holding our jerseys up in the air. "The Mighty Ducks!" "Yeah!" We all cheered. "What are we?" Coach asked us with a smile, "The Ducks!" We all shouted together.

We were warming up before our game with the Cardinals. We were throwing a football to each other as Coach walked around us saying "Every time you get the puck, you're the quarterback. Make eye contact with the receiver. Talk to him, let him know what's comin'. Come on, guys. This isn't a library. Talk to each other." I skated over to the bench just as Coach was talking to Fulton. "How you doin'?" He asked Fulton. I grabbed my water bottle and squirted the water into my mouth, being careful not to spill it on my jersey as I'm a klutz. "You ready?" Coach asked again, "I think so" Fulton nodded. I put my drink bottle down and skated towards Elka and Grace, who were in the middle of a conversation "Hey, Fulton's about to take some shots on goals." They nodded and we turned our attention towards Coach and Fulton. "Okay, Fulton. Shoot your heart out." So he did, boy was it amazing to watch. "Wow" I said, Elka and Grace nodded their heads in agreement. "One out of five" Coach mumbled. He then called us all in for a huddle. "All right, let's forget the past. We lost a few games, tough! That was District Five. Now we're the Ducks." We all nodded saying "Yeah." He then looked at all of us "And the Ducks... are undefeated." We all cheered saying "All right! Yeah!" Coach then stared chanting "Quack, quack. Quack, quack." Then slowly but surely we joined in. "Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Go... Ducks!" We then put our hands in and lifted them at the end of 'Ducks.'

I was on the ice as I heard Coach shout, "Let's go, Ducks! Come on! Defence! Defence!" Guy then got the puck and it got stuck in a corner "Dig it outta there! Dig it outta there!" Coach yelled. I came in and helped him, I got the puck and skated down the line passing it to Connie. "Let's go! Let's go! Yeah!" Coach cheered as Connie passed it to Averman. "Let's go, Ducks!" Averman then passed it to Guy who shot it into the net. The buzzer went off and the crowd cheered and we gathered in a group hug as Jesse fell over. He got back up shouting "Yes! The Oreo line!" I laughed at him and we went back into our positions again. "Defence, Karp! Defence! Come on!" Then before anyone could blink the Cardinal player hit the puck into Karp's helmet. The crowd gasped as Karp blinked multiple times and then fell backwards. Coach came running on the ice as I took Karp's helmet off. "I don't wanna go to school, Mom" Karp mumbled. "Karp, how many fingers am I holding up?" Coach asked. Peter then threw his hands up saying "He wouldn't even know that." Coach then nudged Peter saying "Shut up, Peter. Karp, are you okay?" Karp never answered. I picked up the helmet showing everyone saying "Look at this." Coach then took it away from me as Averman said "The Karp-ster used his head to stop the puck." Guy nudged Averman in the stomach telling him to shut up. "Let's get you off the ice. Come on." We helped Coach lift Karp up as the crowd clapped him off. We carried him over to the bench "Get him on the bench, Charlie." Coach then looked at the score. 2-1. "Okay, Ducks, we still got a chance here. Caitlyn, Terry, Jesse, Guy, time for the secret weapon. Okay, Fulton. Remember, just like we talked about." I then decided to speak up "Come on, guys. Let's do it" They all cheered.

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