Adam Banks?

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"Hey, Sweetie. Wake up, you've got school." My mother whispered to me as I groaned and rolled on to my side. I felt my mom get off of the bed and walk towards my windows, "Oh, no" I breathed out and pulled my pillow over my head blocking out the light that had flooded in. She then pulled back my sheets and removed the pillow from me, I instantly went into fetal position, trying to stay warm. "Don't make me get the bucket." I opened my eyes instantly and sat up straight "I'm up. I'm up." I got out of bed and walked towards my closet, picking out an outfit:

Once I got dressed, I brushed my naturally straight hair leaving it out

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Once I got dressed, I brushed my naturally straight hair leaving it out. I headed downstairs where my mom had made me some waffles. "Thank you, mom. It looks delicious." I complemented her, she just waved her hand in the air saying "Thank you, but it was nothing." Once I had finished my breakfast I gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and walked out the front door with my bag over one shoulder. I then headed over to the apartment where Charlie lives, meeting him down at the main door. When he stepped out the door I bombarded him with a hug, to which he returned. We then walked to school in silence, occasionally bringing up what it's going to be like and what we have for lunch. When we entered the school we had to then walk to our first class which was science, with our whole team. We walked in and took a seat waiting for the teacher to walk in the door and when he did we wished he turned around and left. This teacher goes on and on about molecules and atoms. Halfway through the lesson Charlie and I shared a look, saying we were bored "That's right. The red is oxygen." The teacher spoke up holding up a molecule structure. "Now what are the blue balls?" Which made everyone giggle, though I kept my head down drawing a diagram in my book. "Tommy?" Tommy then tilted his head to the side saying "Hydrogen?" The teacher nodded, saying "Is correct. Now put them together... and you have a molecule that makes up 96% of your body. What is it?" "Pizza?" Tommy asked again, causing the class to giggle. The teacher gave him a pointed look before being interrupted by a knocking on the door, "It's the principal. I'll be right back." Before he left he said "Work on H2 CO3. It's a goody." He then walked out of the classroom leaving us alone and defenceless against our team. Karp then turned around in his seat to face Charlie, a smirk planted on his face "How'd the forfeit go, Spaz-way?" And before Charlie could respond Peter added in his snarky remark "Yeah, did you score?" I rolled my eyes saying  "Leave him alone." The same time Charlie said "Leave me alone, guys. I Don't want to talk about the team." Peter opened his mouth saying "Oh, yeah, sure. Coach's pet. Everybody knows he likes you best." My eyes widen in shock as I know what's about to happen next "Likes his mom, you mean." Charlie stands up abruptly and moves his desk across grabbing Karp's shoulders "Take it back, Karp! Take it back now!" Connie stands up and tried to separate them but it's no use "Leave him alone, Karp." She shoves Karp away but Peter comes to his aid shoving Connie's shoulder "You have no right shoving Karp." Both Guy and all of us girls stand up and walk over to Peter. "Don't push me." Connie shouts at Peter, Guy shoves Karp saying "Don't push her, she's a girl!" I shove Peter into Karp, who then shoves me back and that's when I hear a chair scraping the floor as it got pushed back, Fulton comes over and shoves both boys back sending them tumbling over each other I look up at him and send him a grateful smile. "Lay off" Peter shouts and Connie lightly puts her hand on Guy's shoulder saying "Don't shove, Peter." Then suddenly everyone is standing, shoving each other when Tommy yells "Atoms away!" Throwing all the atoms around the room. Fulton pushes me lightly behind him as he shoves Peter and Karp back away from me. Just then the teacher and principal burst through the door, the teacher yells "My atoms!" While bending down to pick them up, while the principal stands there pointing her finger at us all, "You! Sit!" We all scurry off and sit back down in our seats "Sit now! In your seats now!" At this point everyone is seated, well, except for Charlie, who was the only one standing . "I have never in my life..What have you got to say for yourselves?" We all looked around the room smiling at each other when Averman said "Quack." Then one by one we all started chanting "Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack!"

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