A play-offs present

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"Boy, this is great" Charlie said as we walked inside the stadium with our arms full of our hockey gear, stuffed into our hockey bags. "Guys, look, it's the North Stars" Connie pointed out at a bunch of guys skating around the rink. "Oh, man" Jesse breathed out in awe as his younger brother, Terry, said "It's Mike Modano!" "Can you believe this?" Tammy whispered to me, but I was too distracted to answer, "Cool!" Peter spat out after blinking a few times, to see if he was seeing things. "This is too cool" Connie said as Jesse said "I can't believe this!" I looked around the stadium in wonder as Connie stated "This place is humongous!" All though this was amazing, I just couldn't help but think 'what are we doing here?' It seemed Charlie was thinking the same thing as he lent over to Coach and asked "What are we doing here?" To which Coach answered with "It's a little play-offs present." We were all staring at the North Stars in awe and disbelief, when suddenly, two players branched off and came right up to us saying "Hey, Gordo! Gordon Bombay, right?" He then shook Coach's hand as Coach stuttered out "You remember me?" The guy nodded saying "Sure, from Pee Wee's." The guy then turned to his friend saying "This guy used to rule in Pee Wee's" his friend looked like at him with uncertainty and disbelief as he said "Oh yeah? I heard you were a farmer" Coach shook his head saying "Actually, I became a lawyer. But I'm coaching Pee Wee now and this is my team, the Ducks. Ducks this is Basil McRae and Mike Modano" to which we responded with "Duh!" And "We can see that." Coach chuckled saying "All right, all right" then Basil McRae spoke up saying "Hey, Ducks! Listen to this guy. He knows what he's talking about." He then turned to face Coach and said "If you ever want a shot, I'll get you a tryout in the minor league clubs" we looked at Coach, our mouths wide open and our eyes shining with astonishment. "Thanks" Coach said whilst shaking their hands "No problem. Hey, nice seein' ya" then Mike Modano walked past saying "Take it easy" we watched them walk past, our jaws were practically on the ground as our eyes followed their every move like we were in a trance, but we were quickly snapped out of it as Coach clapped his hands together saying "All right, let's have some fun!"

We all went down to the change rooms to get our skates on, once I put my skates on over my jeans:

I waddled out onto the rink, then started skating around with my teammates, laughing and having fun

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I waddled out onto the rink, then started skating around with my teammates, laughing and having fun. I skated past Connie and Guy who were holding hands, I then watched as they pushed Lewis, who was on a chair, around on the ice with Peter, Charlie and Karp. We then all started to sprint down the ice and slide on our knees or in Fulton's case our stomachs. I slid next to him on my knees and watched Peter spin out of control down the ice. We all then got back up again and started to skate around, Charlie was skating with his hockey stick going side to side, Elka and Grace were spinning around with Tammy, I was with Fulton and we were trying to shove one another over but we both ended up on the ice, laughing it off. We turned to see Coach and Lewis had fallen over too, which had made us laugh even harder. We got up again and joined the others in a small mini game which ended up being a quick game as we had to hop off the ice for the North Stars game. We got back in our normal shoes and took our seats up in the stadium, as we were watching the game Karp had noticed that we all were on the jumbotron, we all stood up and started waving. Once we sat back down, I saw Peter and Averman trick Goldberg into looking in another direction so they could steal a chip. I was seated in between Jesse and Fulton with Adam sitting next to Fulton's left, I saw that Adam's attention was directed to something else, so I followed his gaze and saw The Hawks, more specifically McGill and Larson. McGill made a motion to Adam that looked like a gun aimed at him, but once he saw that I was looking he sent me a wink, to which I scoffed and rolled my eyes, the scoff caught both Fulton and Jesse's attention and they turned their heads to stare at the Hawks players. I watched Adam uncomfortably shift in his seat, so I lent over Fulton and whispered "Hey, do you want to swap seats with me?" He was hesitant as he stared at Jesse, but then he looked at his old teammates and nodded. I stood up and swapped seats with him and whilst going past him I heard him say a small "Thank you." Just as I sat back down the North Stars scored a point causing us all to stand and cheer, fist pumping the air.

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