The Truth

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Lauren stood against the closed class door fighting to regain her lost breath after stepping up to Chloe, Demi stood directly in front of the girl as she remained holding her arms tight to her body "baby you need to calm down! Ok?" She pressed kindly as she looked into the girls red eyes "I'm in so much trouble aren't I" she replied with a tint of fear in her voice "not if I have anything to do with it.. anyway, it's worth saying I'm so fucking proud of you!" Lauren's face screwed up in confusion as she looked on

"W...what? What do you mean?" Demi released the grip on her arms and instead placed her hands on her waste "remember a while back I asked you why you never fought back?" Lauren nod "well today you did.. you took what was yours and to be honest... I'm glad you did!" Demi's smile settled the youngers stomach as she relaxed against the door, "I just needed to let it out.. she called me a child!" The older used her hand to cup the back of Lauren's neck lightly "you're far from a child... you're a grown ass independent woman who can handle her own shit!" She teased causing Lauren to let out a genuine laugh, the pair joined lips and spent the rest of the moment in pure passion, Demi pulled away after a minute or so and smiled briefly "I should probably go sort that out!" She said softly as she reached behind her for the door followed by Lauren "uh! No! You stay here missus!" Demi ordered as she used her hand against Lauren's chest to stop her

Lauren stood in the empty class and pondered on what had just happened, although she was relentlessly shaking she felt almost proud of herself that she had retaliated the way that she did, it was hard for her given what had happened the last time she'd done such a thing but the timing was right and she knew it had to be done, after a few moments she slid her hands in the back pockets of her jeans shocked to find the lace Gemma had given her last night "when did they talk tho?" She spoke to herself still trying to piece together the night.. her main thought fixed on why she would have given it to her in the first place? Why go to the trouble of going to her house?


"So what happened exactly?" Lewis asked as he sat at his desk with Demi stood opposite "Chloe came back to collect her things and started being aggressive towards Lauren.. she was defending herself" Lewis scratched his eyes under his glasses and sighed "usually I would need to suspend her for violence on sight but.." Demi edged forwards with a raised brow "but?"

"But this needed to happen.. Demi if I'm being completely honest with you I don't want to punish Lauren.. not for this.. that girl took many a hit from Chloe and off the record it was about time she gave one back.." Demi laughed in shock at what she was hearing, she knew he had a soft spot for her but this was just brilliant "wow.. thank you? I .. I wasn't expecting that?" She replied bewildered

"Listen, Lauren has her Demons just like the rest of us but unfortunately hers are out on show for everyone to see and someone like Chloe will prey on that.." Demi sighed and swallowed as she realised that the statement was genuinely true, from the moment she had met the girl there was always an exposed weakness.. she was quick to snap and fiery unlike any other she'd met before.. well apart from one!

"I just feel like it's my responsibility to protect her you know?" Demi voiced honestly as she sat down "and I'm glad she has someone like you, someone she can trust and rely on.. that's what she needs right now!" Demi smiled and unfolded her leg "I just hope this will be a fresh start for her you know?"

"Unfortunately Lauren's demons run a lot deeper than most.. this kind of thing may follow her wherever she goes I'm afraid" Demi felt weirdly uncomfortable at the statement she had just heard, it felt almost familiar.. just like her and Gemma ... she followed her.. wherever she went "but surely.. Chloe's gone?" She asked anticipating that her departure would allow Lauren to settle "she's been lied to a lot... thrown out to the dogs, placed here there and everywhere and this most recent incident only proves that.. she's lucky to have someone like you supporting her .. someone who would always tell her the truth even if it was to hurt her!" Demi gulped knowing full well she was doing exactly the opposite... she was keeping a secret from Lauren out of fear or rejection and drama

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