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Demi sat idle on her couch after what seemed to be the shittiest day in history, Gemma was really starting to get on her last nerve and she hoped that maybe she'd clocked up enough good deeds for a miracle.. the miracle that would hopefully wipe the low life off of the face of the earth...

After a few hours sat drowning in her favourite tv show she heard a knock at the door, rushing to open it she was greeted with the mail man holding a rather large cardboard box "oh I forgot about this, thank you!" She took the box and went back inside quickly ripping it open to find a letter on top

"Hello my darling,
We all miss you so much over here but we're so proud of everything you are achieving in your new position!
Dad says hello and so does little batman!
I put together the rest of your things and packed them inside of this box, there are a few things I wasn't sure were yours but I hope you find a place in your new home for them!
We love you so much sweetheart!
Love mom, dad and batman x"

Demi read the note over around 3 times just imagining her moms voice in her ear, it had been a while since they last spoke but she was exited to see what things she had left behind, as she rummaged she found various small keychains and photos of her friends back home and sat smiling at the memories, her mood quickly changed when she came across a small box labeled 'Gemma' she hadn't seen it in years so her instant reaction was to open it as quickly as she could, most of it was junk from various days out but one thing in particular caught her attention "shit!" She spoke to herself as she looked on at the photo

After a few moments Demi had emptied the entire contents of the box and set them aside before again picking up the photo and thinking intensely, her mind wandered for a while flicking back and forth between her memories trying to piece together it's story, she decided best to leave it for the time being as she had an early start in the morning and head off to bed


Demi's POV

Pulling up to school this morning felt like any other morning, I walked through the halls and set my stuff down on the desk, looking at my calendar I realised Gemma wouldn't be in until 9am that day so I head quickly into her office to look for something, I sifted through the filing cabinet beside her desk and found a file that I took and hid in my desk, the bell rang shortly after and my first class came flooding in, Lauren sat down in her normal seat as I took the class, uneventful for once!

"Lauren" I called out when the end of class bell rang, she knew what I wanted and waited behind after everyone had left "hey!" She spoke in her sweet raspy voice as she shut the door "what's up?" I used my index finger to call her round in front of me as her smile grew "what are you up to lovato" she spoke seductively, I loved it when she spoke like that.. she didn't know it but it was unbelievably sexy!

"You need to shut the fuck up!" I demanded "but I didn't say anyt..." she began before I quickly cut her off "not now! Later!" Her face was confused and looked on at me waiting for an explanation

"You will know what I mean! But whatever happens you cannot say ANYTHING! Understood?" She nod still as bewildered as before, I grabbed at her hand and stroked my thumb across the top "trust me ok? For this to work I need you to be literally invisible today!" She smiled weakly and lent against the desk, "I can be invisible .. I guess... are you gonna tell me what's going on?" She asked intrigued "no, you're cute but this is something you can't know about not yet!"

We continued to talk for around 10 minutes before the clock turned 9:30, I ushered the girl out before grabbing something from my bag placing it tightly in my pocket, I head over to Gemma's office and closed the door "what?" She spoke as I sat in the chair opposite her "my mom sent me a box of my old things yesterday" her eyes looked at me unbothered as if asking me to continue "I found this in there.." I slid the photo across the desk as her breathing hitched realising what it was "why do you have this!" She replied defensively "you left it, I guess this makes you look pretty bad huh?" Gemma stood from her chair and walked over to me In the seat waving the photo in front of my face "this! Means nothing!" I snatched the photo from her hands and slid it back into my jean pocket "you won't mind if I keep it then!"

I could feel her face grow angry and agitated as she slammed her hand on the desk "why are you doing this demi huh? You like being manipulative? You stupid bitch!" I rose from my chair so that I was no face to face with the girl looking deep into her eyes "the only manipulative one here is YOU! And this.. this just shows what kind of a person you are! I bet the school doesn't know this about you huh?" I shot deliberately trying to get her to rise even more

Gemma stepped forward and pushed me against the wall "you are so fucking toxic! You deserved everything you got!" She spat as she dug her fists into my shoulders "I deserved everything I got? Of course! The only reason I 'got' anything was because you were a gutless c**t who nobody fucking liked! I was the only one who stuck around!" Her eyes had a look in them that I recognised from years before, it scared me slightly but I knew I had to stay strong "say it again I fucking dare you!" She shot, I gulped and snapped back "you are a gutless, spineless, heartless c**t!" With that it felt like a blur, her fist swung and connected harshly with my face causing me to fall heavily to the floor grasping at my face as the tears began to stream, she quickly stormed out from the office and down through the hall

"You never told me that would fucking happen!" Lauren scolded as she rushed in and and knelt down beside me holding my face between her hands as I looked up at her "this is why I couldn't tell you!" I began as I spoke through the painful tears "did you get the video?" I continued to which Lauren showed me the recording on the phone "Demi... she really fucking hurt you? How is this going to help? I don't understand!" I sat up a little as I tilt my head back wiping away the tears "go and get principle Lewis and plead innocent, say you were filming something and heard an altercation so you started filming through the window" she looked at me hesitantly "GO!" I demanded to which she got up and quickly head out to his office

I sat for a moment plundering in the intense pain buffering on my cheek bone before the footsteps of Lauren and Lewis could be hard coming back through "DEMI! Are you ok?" He spoke emphatically as he knelt beside me "I saw the video! Don't worry she will not be here for very much longer! I do not tolerate this kind of behaviour not in my school!" Lauren stood behind Lewis smiling in shock, I winked subtly in her direction "Lauren could you email that video over to me please?" Lewis asked the younger as she started tapping away, "done!" She said with optimism in her voice

Lewis head out back to his office and Lauren sat beside me once again "what even was that photo? Why did it make her so mad?" Lauren asked confused, I pulled it out from my back pocket and handed it over "I... I don't understand what I'm looking at?" I turned the photo over to reveal some writing on the back "oh shit.. she was arrested? What for?" I wiped the last tear from my face and huffed "assault on some woman who she was arguing with outside of a club one night.." her smile returned as she looked back up at me "and we couldn't have done this differently ... I mean it's fucking brilliant but.. look at your face.." she used her thumb to lightly brush over the quickly forming bruise, I jumped back slightly causing her to pull away

"I couldn't take her shit anymore.. nobody treats my baby like that!" I hadn't realised what I'd just said and I felt a sudden rush of embarrassment ... my baby? Acting like she's mine.. what a fucking idiot...
"No one has ever done something like that for me before" she spoke back as she laced her hand on my knee "well, you deserve it lauren.. I never want you to feel like that again!" Her smile was so big and beautiful I felt that I'd accomplished what I'd set out to do, hopefully we were finally rid of that mess of a human being and we could get on with being normal for once! I was sick of the drama and I hated the feeling of being on edge all the time!

"You look kinda hot with that bruise you know!" Lauren spoke causing me to giggle, "shut up you dork!" I replied as we smiled into each others eyes

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