Plate Full

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1 Week Later

Lauren arrived late to school this morning waking up to over 50 texts and missed calls from Demi and Finley mainly asking where she was, she had a new teacher for music studies that she was due to meet 10 minutes ago!

She rushed through the halls dodging the free period kids and all of the younger students that stood in her way before bumping into Demi knocking her things from her hands "shit Lauren! Where have you been?" She asked as she dropped to the floor to grab her belongings, Lauren knelt to join her grabbing the stray papers that drift under peoples feet

"My fucking alarm didn't go off! I'm sorry!" Demi grabbed her by the side of the arm and quickly walked her to her class knocking on the door before stepping inside "Mrs Fellow, this is Lauren I'm so sorry she's late it was my fault!" Demi defended as Lauren stood grateful

The new teacher smiled on at the girl and motioned for her to sit down, Lauren reluctantly left Demi's grip and took her seat beside a girl she had never met before

"Welcome sweetheart my name is Mrs Fellow!" Her voice was sweet and comforting and Lauren couldn't help but smile back in response

The class had luckily had only just started and Mrs fellow began talking about everything they were going to cover over the next few weeks which included a final performance in which they would all either sing or play an instrument, Lauren loved the idea of performing to people she was an incredible singer but strangely nobody really knew...

As the class went on and the students were set work to read through Lauren felt obliged to introduce herself to the girl next to her "hey I'm Lauren by the way!" The girl dressed in all black looked up to meet her gaze "Jade, Jade west.. I'm new here so!" She said rather bluntly, Lauren wasn't really sure how to take her, she was cold and absent in terms of personality but none the less at least she had done the polite thing

"Soo, can you sing or?" Lauren probed, Jade remained staring into her work rolling her eyes as she dragged her voice to respond "I guess" she spoke even colder than before, just as Lauren went to open her mouth her new teacher perched in front of their desk

"So ladies! You two are going to be paired up for the final project isn't that exciting?" Lauren smiled sweetly while jade blinked heavily with an emotionless face "you can do whatever you want! You can sing or play the piano, heck you can even do both if you want!"

Lauren began formulation a million and 1 plans in her head as to what the two could potentially do and wasted no time in writing it all down "should we swap numbers? You know to keep up to date with everything?"

"Whatever" jade replied as she slid her phone across the table for Lauren to punch her number in, she carefully pushed it back as she saved her contact and began again writing until the bell echoed through the room "I'll see you tomorrow?" Lauren conformed as she grabbed her bag to leave followed by a weak smile and obvious missing eye contact

Lauren had left the room still unsure of the girl as she didn't really talk much or seem interested in anything at all! It didn't bother her however as she walked happily along to Demi's office that she knew by now she would be in

She walked through and closed the door behind her "hey baby" Demi greeted smiling around at the younger "hey!" Lauren responded as she lent over to peck her girlfriends plump lips

"How was class?" Lauren lit up as she began talking about the new project she would be completing, she also mentioned about the new girl who sat strangely in her stomach however Demi wasn't really too bothered about that...

"Wait you sing?" She asked with an open mouthed smile, "yeah.. I just don't really show that many people.." she giggled nervously

"Well.. sing something for me!" Demi demanded with a hint of excitement in her voice

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