Its not about her

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Lauren stayed over at Finley's for the remainder of the night and they talked out the whole Chloe and her situation, it was safe to say that the girls had made up and were still in fact best friends but there was one pressing issue that Lauren couldn't get off of her mind... Demi

As Lauren head home she saw the light on in Demi's house, she was half tempted to go over there and talk to her but a bigger part of her was still angry about the fact she didn't stick up for her and she actually tried to defend the situation .. her mind was all over the place so she decided to just head home and start over tomorrow, luckily it was a weekend!


"Lauren! Come down here" her dad called out causing Lauren to burst down the stairs, he handed over a bunch of files with Demi's name on them "can you take these over to Miss Lovato's please" I rolled my eyes and head out the door reluctantly walking over to her house, I dragged my feet along the pavement trying to drag out the short journey as much as I could but after a few moments I had arrived, I knocked lightly on the door which felt strange considering I normally would just walk in no questions asked

"Oh Lauren? Everything ok?" Demi asked as she pulled back the door almost shocked to see me so soon, annoyingly she was as stunning as ever and my heart instinctively raced as I looked into her eyes "yeah.. my dad wanted me to give these to you.." I reached out my hand and handed over the files, she grabbed them from me and sifted quickly through, "tell your dad thank you for sorting these.. saved my life!" She began not looking up from the papers, I was in two minds as to what to say next.. should I call her out? Or should I just leave it...

"No problem I will.." yeah I bottled it ... to my surprise Demi stepped out from her house and onto the front step leaning against the wall behind her "Lauren.. I'm sorry.. about earlier, what I said... I didn't mean it, well I did but.. not the way that it came out!" She spoke softly, my heart hurt at the fact it felt awkward standing here.. I never want to feel like this around her.. "it's ok I guess" Demi put the files on the ground and sighed "no... it's not! I should never have spoken to you like that but I just don't want you to make the same mistakes I did.."

Her voice was extremely apologetic and I couldn't help but think she meant it... "what do you mean mistakes?" She brushed back the hair from her face and looked up at the sky before speaking once again "I used to push people away and hold ridiculous grudges.. I would never let anyone explain themselves and I ended up just being fucking lonely.. I don't want that for you.. I just wanted to protect you.." my brain processed what she was saying slower than normal as believe it or not even tho we had spent a lot of time together recently I still didn't know all that much about her past before moving here... "Demi.. I'm not mad.. I was! But you were right.. Chloe came to my house yesterday, she explained everything and so I spoke to Finley.. we made up" Demi's face turned from sad to happy as a smile creeped across her face, "see! You two are best friends and you fixed it.. I knew you could!"

Demi took a step forward and grabbed at my hand pulling it behind her so that I was forced into a hug... not that I minded "I'm sorry ok baby?" She mumbled into my shoulder "I'm sorry too!" As we pulled away she kept hold of my hands and grinned "and hey.. everything I do.. it's only to protect you.. even if it doesn't look like it!" I felt so comforted and reassured in that moment and for the first time even since me and Demi had been seeing each other I felt like I was really cared about .. "I know.. thank you.." Demi released my hands and stroked my cheek gently before picking the files back up from the floor "I'll see you at school?" I spoke as I began walking back home "for sure!" She replied smiling


Two weeks later
No ones POV

The past two weeks had been relatively normal with no altercations or dramas between anyone, it was the longest period of time they had gone without having to put out fires or smoke, Gemma had been doing a course so she was kept quiet while Lauren and Finley flourished in being best friends once again.. life was good ... until one crazy Monday...

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