Double blackmail

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Only a few hours later Lauren had positioned herself with her head laying across Demi's warm lap fast asleep and finally in a peaceful state as her eyes for a moment stopped their deep tears

"I'm sorry dem..."

Georgie's voice spoke out quietly causing her roommate to look up from her phone while her other hand lightly brushed through her girlfriends sleeping hair

"What for?"

Georgie sighed as she readjusted her position on the couch leaning on her elbow to look at Demi with a look of guilt

"Just, when you row first got together .. I.."

She struggled to finish her sentence as she knew for a fact it was a sensitive subject, she struggled to approve the unusual relationship at first but quickly grew to see that it was more than just sex, lust and attraction... it was love

"George, you don't need to be sorry... I get it, it was different at first but I guess we just fit you know? Just wish I could stop all of this shit with her dad..."

Demi's face dropped as she looked down at the youngers still red cheeks, the dried tears sat on her skin, it was hard to imagine that someone she loved more than anything in the world was experiencing so much pain

Something that is yet to be said is that Lauren's father never actually allowed Lauren to attend the funeral, she was kept at her creepy grandfathers house disillusioned to the mourning of her own mom, things may never be the same between the pair as the ever stirring rage mike was feeling just didn't seem to go away

"Yeah well.. he seems like a total ass hole to me! Maybe child services?"

Demi sighed defeatedly

"She's too old, she's not a kid Georgie!"

She shot back rather sharply however completely unintentional

"Sorry, I just meant that surely there's a way of holding him accountable for what he's doing to her?"

Demi for a moment had a sudden lightbulb moment, her father was the one who made every teacher in the school aware of Lauren's 'mouthy, angry, rage problems' ever since the moment of the accident, Lauren had told her that herself, not only that but the reason she acts the way that she does is actually solely down to him? He made her this way? He shaped her into this damaged untrusting scared girl because she had been exposed to violent degrading remarks her entire life?

"He's destroying her George? I don't even know how to fix it either!"

Georgie cocked her brow and whined, it was a tough situation but Lauren was old enough to officially move out... at least that way she would be subject to his behaviour on a daily basis

"You know what you said earlier, when you gave her the key? Why don't you make it permanent?"

Demi furrowed her brow wrinkling her forehead, her eyes squinting slightly as she thought over the sentence

"How do you mean? Like ask her to actually move her stuff in?"

Georgie shrugged her shoulders suggestively

"Well... she's old enough to make her own choices Demi? At least here you know she'd be safe?"

Demi looked down into Lauren's deep black hair and smiled, it would be amazing!

"Do you think she'd want to?"

She asked with a hesitant tone in her voice, she knew she would but she was just looking for some kind of reassurance from her roommate as this was something she'd never imagined the girl even going along with let alone suggesting it

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