jily - cuddles and insecurities

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here's some really fluffy jily, thanks for reading! <3


James laid his fluffy head on Lily's warm lap, and sighed deeply.
"Are you okay, love?" She asked him quietly, resting her small freckled hands on his slowly heaving chest.
"Mhm. I'm okay." He answered, taking off his glasses so that he could lay more comfortably.
Two of Lily's favourite things about James were, number one; when he goes quiet and cuddly, and number two; when he takes his glasses off. She loves watching his eyes glisten, the reflection of light on the glass no longer getting in the way from the view that she loves oh so much.
She especially loves it when he relaxes around her and shows her his shyer side, a side that she doesn't get to see often. Only when they are alone, and even then it's rare.

James laid on his back with his hands rested on his stomach, trying to count the amount of times he sees the light from the fire flickering on the ceiling. He got to twenty and gave up, turning onto his side to face Lily's stomach.

"Love..." He began after a while of sitting in comfortable silence.
"Mhmm?" She answered, still admiring his facial features.
"Do you... Do you think I'm a bad person? That I do bad things sometimes?" Lily's face grew concerned as the peaceful one she was watching scrunched up in anxiety. "Like do you really mean all those things you say to me? And do you believe the things I say to you back?"
She cocked her fiery head to the side.
"Of course not... Well, I call you those things because I need to keep you in check, those friends of yours don't do a good enough job at it anyway." She added, smiling slightly. "If I didn't, you would probably go mad. Although I say that like you're not crazy all the time anyway.."
He chuckled. Quietly.
"Are you sure? Sometimes I wonder whether Snivellus really deserved the things I used to do to him..." He exclaimed, not really meaning to say the last part - but it was said anyway.
"Look... S-Severus isn't a great person. I know you two don't get along anyway, but he has called people really awful things in the past, and I don't really think he knows what he says is wrong." Lily started to play with the tufts of James' hair, causing a shiver to run down his spine. He loves that.
"But, the key phrase in what you just said is 'used to'. You don't mess with him anymore, even when he tries to wind you up. I'm so proud of you for getting over that." She smiled again, watching his eyes light up as he fumbled with the strings on his hoodie.
"Thanks, love. It was all because of you, at the end of the day." He nuzzled into her leg a bit.
She chuckled and shook her head, also admiring the small braid she had made in his hair in that short amount of time.
"You idiot."

A longer, even more comfortable silence followed as Lily continued to play with James' hair, relaxing him. His breaths began to become deeper, and slower. He was falling asleep.
Lily arched her back and looked down, peering into his face, trying to see if he really was asleep. He was.
She giggled and went back to combing her fingers through his messy hair.

'I love you.' She thought.

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