marauders era - at the beach

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"Alice! Wait up!" The auburn-haired girl yelled, waving her arm around in the humid air as she ran to catch up with her friend.
"What's up Lils?" Alice smiled, stopping and waiting as Lily slowed down to walk beside her.
"Well, now that it's summer holidays, I wondered if you wanted to do anything. To use up all of this good weather, of course!" She laughed and put her arms up - as if she was showcasing the summer heat.
"Sure! Actually, I was planning to go to the beach with some friends of mine from a different school tomorrow. Would you like to come?" Alice asked.
"Hmmmm... As long as they aren't creepy or anything." Lily mumbled, slightly pouting.
"Of course they aren't!" Alice laughed. "They're super nice, I promise."


"Ahh so this is Lily Evans, huh? Nice to meet you, my name is Frank! Frank Longbottom." The boy with messy brown hair let out a wide grin and stuck out his large hand.
"Hiya! You're Alice's... friend?" Lily replied, taking his hand and noticing slight sweatiness.
"Yeah." He laughed and scratched the back of his head awkwardly.
'Ohhh. I see.' Lily thought.
"Sure you are." She winked at him and turned around to meet the rest of Alice's friends, leaving Frank and his bright red face standing quietly.

"Let's get started then, shall we?" Alice cried, and they all stripped into their swimwear and ran off in the direction of the swaying waves, leaving one girl behind.
Lily let out a small sigh. She had expected to be left out. After all she did say that she didn't want to swim - only to stay in the shade, and she didn't actually know any of these people.
She squeaked as she tried to settle down on her blanket but accidentally laid on a rogue bucket and spade.
"Tch. Where did they come from?"


'Ahhh, this right here is paradise.' Lily thought as she looked at her surroundings. The multi-coloured parasol above, protecting her fragile skin from the scorching sun. The comfy blanket and cold drinks waiting to be opened, lying underneath and beside her. The large sunhat resting on her head and stylish sunglasses on her nose. Best of all, the view of the sparkling ocean and the book she got to look at to keep her entertained.
'I could just stay here forever..."


"Oi! James, go get that ball for us, would you?"
"Why me? You guys were the ones that hit it miles away from the net!"
"Just do it, for god's sake. Otherwise I'll have to spill about the time I caught you kissing your pillo-"

Lily groaned, trying to tune out the background noise and focus on her book.
'Jeez, this guy is loud.' She complained in her head, and tried to dive back into the world of white rabbits and mad hatters.
'What kind of nickname is Moony anyway? Could that be referring to his-'
She was rudely interrupted by a low chuckle.

"Bloody hell, 'Alice in Wonderland'? Isn't that like, a kid's book?"

"Excuse me? Don't even try to understand the plot and topics covered in 'Alice in Wonderland', your single brain cell probably won't be able to handle such thin-" her sentence finished quickly as she looked up to face the person standing in front of her.

He was tall and had handsome features but they were ruined by a smirk spread across his face.
"Oh? What were you saying?" Lily blushed furiously and looked down, her sunhat covering her cheeks. He chuckled.
"Thought so. Anyway, I think you're hot. Wanna go out sometime?" She let her mouth fall in shock, taken aback by his outright bluntness.
"I- Wh- What are you talking about? No I most certainly will not go out with a sewer rat-like scumbag like you, of all people!" He raises his eyebrows, infuriating Lily even more.
"Sewer rat-like scumbag, huh? Haven't heard that one before, I'll give you credits for authenticity."
"It's true. You certainly have the personality of a sewer rat, you even smell like one." She pretended to lean forward a scrunch her nose up in disgust, actually rather enjoying the smell of his cologne mixed with salt.
"Sure, you're acting like a child. Especially with that book of yours, it's like I'm being forced to babysit!" Lily was taken aback.

"James what the hell are you doing over there? Come back with the ball already!" His friends yelled, and James snickered.
"I'm coming!" He shouted back. "Hey, do you wanna play beach volleyball with us? Looks like you could use some company..." He implied to the empty surroundings and winked. Lily threw her hands up in the air in frustration.
"Fine, I'll play as long as I get to be on the opposite team to you and see your face when you get crushed by yours truly!" She grinned and cupped her face in her hands.
"Mine truly? So we are dating now? You're much more fast-paced than I thought you were!" He flashed a smile at a fuming Lily, starting to run away as she stood up.

"Come back here you fucktard!"


"Guys! I found someone else who can play so Peter doesn't have to play on his bad foot anymore!" James said to his friends, who saw Lily behind him and had identical grins plastered on their faces.
"Wassup Lils!" '...Lils?' Lily thought.
"Hello there!"
"Hiya Lily!"

James introduced Lily to them and she joined Remus' team, against Sirius and James.
"I'm really sorry about those two, they can be quite the handful sometimes." He whispered to her as they both got ready to start the game.
"It's okay, I really don't understand how you put up with them." She added, receiving the ball first and trying to send it in his direction.
He bounced the ball upwards, only for it to go over the next and be received by Sirius. Lily caught Sirius sending a wink Remus' way, who promptly rolled his eyes and looked away.

"Lots of sarcasm, is how." He said, she giggled.

The game ended with six sets being played, Lily and Remus' team winning four out of two somehow, neither of them being particularly athletic.
James sighed and scrunched up his eyebrows in shame.
"Awee, is ickle wickle baby having a tantrum because he lost?" She chuckled and stuck out her bottom lip.
"I just don't know how we lost! I thought I was doing so well!" He groaned.
"Maybe volleyball just isn't your sport." Sirius added in support.
"Or maybe it was because Lily and I actually used strategy instead of brute force. That could be the reason!" Remus replied, earning multiple eye rolls and sighs.
"Well guys, it's been fun but I have to go now! I think my friends are leaving soon so I need to catch up with them. Everyone give me your phone numbers so we can meet up again sometime." Lily said, taking out her phone from her short pocket.
"Friends? What friends?" James said.
"Shut up James." She replied.
"Oh, so you want my phone number now? Funny, I thought you said I was a sewer rat-like scumbag earlier, or was that all a lie to cover up your real feelings?" He carried on, smirking.


"...I think she means it man, you should lay off for your own sake." Sirius mumbled.

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