golden trio - building frustration

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"Hermione.... Hermione! What's seven times eight?"
She sighed and rolled her eyes, trying to concentrate on her book.
"Don't waste my time with stupid questions that you can solve in your own head, Ronald."

"Heyyy! That's not fair, I really don't know my seven times tables!" The redhead whined. "I need to know the answer so I can calculate the weight of the-"

"It's fine, Ron. The answer is forty-two." Harry chimed in from beside Hermione, also trying to complete his own homework.

"Are you sure? I didn't know that forty-two was in the seven times tables-"

"Ron, you said you don't even know your seven times tables! I know I'm right so just carry on with your homework!" The green-eyed boy stood up and watched the moon rise outside the window, giving up on his essay.

"Harry, you'll get detention if you don't complete your Transfiguration essay, you know McGonnagall won't allow late homework for the fifth time in three weeks!" Ron reminded Harry, and he had a flashback of the last time he had tried to explain away his missing homework.

"Mr. Potter, where is your essay this time?" Her stare bore through his specs and into his soul.
"Well, you see. There was a small problem with the washing machine and-"
"How on Earth could a slight inconvenience with the washing machine in your dormitories have absolutely anything to do with where your homework is? I would like to see it on my desk before ten pm tonight, Mr. Potter. Any excuses will be ignored and I will not tolerate this again." Harry sighed and nodded.

"Nice try, mate. I think she saw right through the act." An empathetic Ron leaned in and whispered.

Harry shivered at the memory. However, he still could not find the energy in himself to finish off the work he needed to complete.
"I still can't be bothered. Maybe if I try to trick McGonnagall into believing-"

"It won't work Harry! She may be old but she certainly isn't batty! She can jump over whatever you throw at her-"

"AHHH!!!" Harry and Ron screamed at the same time, interrupted by a large noise coming from between them. That large noise was created by Hermione slamming her heavy book down in frustration.

"For goodness sake, boys! I'm sick of hearing you bicker! Ron, the answer to your question is fifty-six, not forty-two." She shot a piercing glare at Harry. "And Harry, sit back down and finish your homework right now or I swear to every deity I can think of that I will never help either of you in any way every again! Hmph!" She sighed and crossed her arms, letting her head fall onto the desk.
Harry immediately sat down and picked up his quill again, not wanting to question Hermione or her truthfulness.

The silence carried on for a few minutes, only to be broken by the girl who created it herself.

Hermione groaned, lifting her head up and looking at the concentrating boys with a sorry expression on her face.

"Guys... I'm sorry. I was just getting irritated is all. I understand if you don't want me to be here anymore." She started to pack up her stuff, stopping when a scarred hand rested gently on her wrist.

"Hey... It's okay." Harry smiled. "We need you to keep us in check after all!" Ron nodded enthusiastically.

"Yeah, I don't know how many times you've been there to help us! Sure, you have your strengths and weaknesses..." Hermione eyed him suspiciously, warning him to be careful with his next few words.
"...But don't we all! We just have to deal with them appropriately."
Hermione grinned, her wild hair shaking slightly.
"Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. Now Ron, which part was it that you needed  help with earlier?"


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