remus lupin - rough moons

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The scarred blonde boy crawled out of the small space between branches, breathless and bloody.
Yet again had there been another tough transformation, the growing stress of Remus' best friends not knowing this other side to him starting to affect his werewolf hours. Yet again had there been several new scars made, he could tell before even looking in a mirror. Yet again was Remus remembering how traumatic lycanthropy was; wishing for it all to go away every time he had to go through it.
Yet again did he see Madame Pomfrey's smiling face as he looked up from the dirty ground, facing her with tired eyes and an exasperated expression.
"Come on, lets get you off the muddy floor and cleaned up." She helped him up from the ground and put an arm around his shoulder as she watched him try to limp up the hill.
A comfortable silence fell and they made their way towards the glimmering lights of Hogwarts.
"Another rough moon then, Mr. Lupin?" She asked, gently smiling in his direction. He sighed and nodded - wanting only to fall into a deep slumber.
His feet dragged slightly, pulling up the crispy orange leaves laying on the floor. He had no way to figure out the time; all concept of time being lost in the lonely hours shut away. All he knew was that it was probably somewhere past six o'clock - the sun gone down and a slight chill layering Hogwarts grounds. It's winter, so it'll probably cold tonight. Especially in the Hospital Ward where the temperature was either permanently set way too high or far below freezing levels.
They made their way inside, and Remus wasn't surprised when his teeth started chattering. Obviously it was too cold tonight.
Great, another thing to add to my wonderful night.


Remus' eyes snapped open and tried to focus into their surroundings. A plain white ceiling, covered in strange marks. A plain white curtain, drawn across to cover his plain white bed and plain white gown.
Ah yes, he was in the infirmary.
He sighed and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, trying to cover them from the bright light shining through the window.
What time is it...?
He could hear the sound of a few people groaning at the mention of taking their medicine, and Remus sat up to try and ease his growing headache. Immediately, he doubled over in bed, the pain proving too unbearable for his muscles to keep him upright.
Jeesh, last night must've been one of the worst nights yet.
Remus looked over to his bedside table and saw a mirror laying there waiting to be picked up. He hesitated, hands stopping midair. What if the new scars are worse than usual? What if he can't explain these ones away as some accident and his friends finally catch on to his secret? What if... What if he looks in the mirror and doesn't recognise himself?
That was one of Remus' worst fears. After every full moon, looking in the mirror was like a nightmare that he couldn't wake up from. He dreaded seeing puffy pink skin, or a deep red scar running across his body.

He gathered the little courage that was left inside his beating heart as he picked up the mirror and it flashed in the sun, creating a white light reflected on the cold wall.
His eyes met with his own and he recognised just how tired he looked. He also recognised a large crimson cut that had made it's way across his nose; from cheek to cheek.
Tears began forming in his eyes and his eyebrows furrowed together, lip starting to shake.
No, no, no, no.
"No, no, no, no!" He mumbled, rocking back and forth, numb from the pain.
This can't be happening.
Remus' ears perked up at the sound of a new, louder voice.
"Where's Remus? He can't be sick again! This is like the sixth time this year! I need his help with my homework! Pleaseeee let me see him! Just this once I promise!"


The mirror dropped from Remus' trembling hands and smashed on the floor.

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