ginny x reader - spilled coffee

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I could see the breath leave my blue lips and I hurried down the busy street - the hustle and bustle making my feelings of anxiety rise as I desperately wanted to turn down a remote alleyway, off the main street to get some air.
"Too many people.... Too many people." I muttered under my breath, picking up my pace.
I started fiddling with my cold hands that were buried deep in my coat pockets in an attempt to keep them warm, to try and take my mind away from the fact that I was experiencing claustrophobia in the huge crowd like never before.
Why is it so damn busy today?
I check the date on my phone.
I see. It's nearly Christmas, everybody's doing their last-minute shopping-

"Ahh!" I was ripped away from my thoughts as a red-haired girl spilled her steaming hot coffee on my coat. "I'm so sorry! Oh my god I'm such an idiot I'm sorry." She went bright red and tried to dry the stain.
"-Oh." Was all I said, overwhelmed by her apologies and delicate hands mopping up the drink with a napkin seemingly taken from nowhere.
"-Uhh, it's totally fine!" I waved my arms around in front of me a laughed awkwardly, trying to calm her down a little. My claustrophobia from before had been forgotten; it felt like it was only me and her on the street now, the loud hum of many voices drowned out by only hers.
"Did I run into you or did you run into me? Sorry I wasn't watching."
"It was kind of you... walking into me. You looked like you were thinking about something." The red-head said, looking towards the floor.
"Oh I apologise for that! Wait... Why did you apologise if I was the one who walked into you?" That doesn't make any sense.
"Well I accidentally spilled my drink over you so it's kinda like a lose-lose situation." We both laughed, my attention then being brought to her drink.
"Would you like me to pay for another? There's a coffee shop over there." I pointed to a cute cafe on the corner of the street and she went red again.
"No, no I'm totally fine thanks! Aren't you in a rush anyway, you were walking super fast earlier!" Her green eyes sparkled as the Christmas lights around town started turning on, I was momentarily mesmerised, lost in an emerald abyss.
"I- I insist. Please, it's the least I could do, I walked into you in the first place. Also, I was just feeling a little... anxious earlier is all. No need to worry!" I smiled and her face lit up.

She followed me across the icy road and I asked for her name.
"Ginny. Ginny Weasley!"
Ginny. It suits her.
"What a lovely name, quite unusual. My name is (Y/N) (L/N). Please, call me (Y/N)."

"Hah-" I sigh and rub my hands together as we make our way into the cafe, the warm air instantly hitting my face.
"Woahh. It's warm in here." Ginny smiles. "The cold was hurting my face."


"Thanks for buying me a new coffee." She smiled and it made a smile spread across my face too. "I really appreciate it."
I gulp thickly - realising how beautiful she is and how terribly awful I am at socialising with anyone.
"I- It's- It's fine! The l-least I could do, hehe." I grin cheesily and scratch the back of my neck.

I'm glad I met you, Ginny Weasley.

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