I know what I saw

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You're P.O.V

After a nightmare of the demon child, you go down stair's for a cup of water. You head to the kitchen to find a what look's like San's getting a cup of water groaning over the counter.

You go up to him and see that it's.... a completely different skeleton in a black jacket with a gold tooth. The second you approach he notice's you goes wide eyed ,and teleport's with red magic. You rub you're eye's but see the cup of water still on the counter. You stand there for a moment and determine that you'd ask San's in the morning.

You head back to bed but don't fall asleep. Who was that skeleton you wonder, why were they in your kitchen, and were they the reason San's has been acting so weird...

Classic's P.O.V

I wake up to low snoring in front of me and I see Red there. I get up and start changing to hear a whistle behind me. "Well, if I knew you were stripping I would've woken up earlier. " I sigh and finish changing. "You'll do anything to see me naked" I roll my eyelight's. "Well almost anything" I raise my 'eyebrow's' "Never drink that much again" He groans. I chuckle "You probably would anyway". "Definitely."

"You still need to leave". I say looking at him lazily. "Uggh fine, but I can't use my magic." I look at him "Why." I question "Hangover." He groans. I open a portal give him a small kiss and push him through. I walk downstair's to smell Papyruses (How do I plural his name) cooking I eat some spaghetti. And and as I'm about to walk through the door the kid tug's my jacket which I flinch at. "What is it kiddo" I turn around...

You're P.O.V

You tell San's that you saw the other skeleton and he stares at you deadpan. "I don't know what you're talking about" the short skele say's to you. You tell San's he's lying but he continue's to play dumb. You remember the cup of water. You rush to the kitchen to see the cup still untouched with a little red sliva on it. You show San's the cup but he lick's the sliva and drink's the remaining water which makes you cringe despite him enjoying it. You sigh in defeat and mumblele loud enough for the other to hear "I know what I saw." He teleport's to what you can only assume is his post. As you walk to the living room you have an idea you instantly take off, on a mission to get to Alphy's lab.

(Ohhh I wonder what would happen at Alphy's lab.)

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