Not Enough

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It has been one month since Michael and Mika's engagement. Michael is now three weeks into his chemotherapy. His main side effects from his chemo are the nausea and tiredness. He was constantly throwing up and in bed.

Today was thankfully a good day for Michael. He was tired, but able to get around. And his stomach wasn't a mess.

Mika suddenly wrapped his arms around Michael in the shower. "Haven't done this in a while," Mika whispered into Michael's ear.

Michael leaned his head back and rested it against Mika, "we should go out today."

"What'd you have in mind?" Mika asked as he nibbled on Michael's ear making him giggle.

"I don't know..maybe goto the park? Take the kids and Mel?" Michael asked as he turned to face Mika.

Mika planted a kiss on his lips, "sounds good to me."

They both exited the shower and dried off. Michael tried leaving the bathroom to get dressed, but Mika stopped him.

"Not so fast mister!" He said as he pinned Michael against the door.

Mika began to attack Michael's neck with kisses. Michael tried to fight the urge, but let out a huge moan before wrapping Mika's towel off of him. Mika did the same to Michael's and got down on his knees.

He began to slowly play with Michael with his hands before giving him a blow-job.

"M-mm-Mika.." Michael moaned out as he almost lost his balance. His head started to spin. "M-Mika stop," he said before pushing Mika's head away.

Michael slid to the floor and started to breathe heavily.

"Michael what's wrong?" Mika questioned.

Michael shook his head and started to cry.

"Babe? Your scaring me. What's wrong?"

Michael struggled to stand up, but when he did he shoved Mika away and stormed out of the bathroom. Mika followed behind him frustrated and worried.

Michael threw on some briefs and climbed back into bed.

"Michael what the hell is wrong?" He questioned once more as he put on some briefs.

"Just leave me alone Mika," Michael replied as he buried his head into his pillow.

"Michael stop it and just tell me what's wrong! Are you sick? Tired? What is it?!"

Michael didn't respond which only frustrated Mika more.

"Fuck it. Lay here and feel sorry for yourself. We're going to the park with or without you," Mika said as he finished getting dressed and stormed out of the room.

Mika and the kids went to the park with Mel and Mika's sisters. Michael slept for three out of the four hours that they were gone. He was angry. Angry at himself for not telling Mika what was wrong. Angry at his body for playing tricks on him. Angry at his tumor that just wouldn't disappear. Angry at Mika for not understanding completely.

Michael washed his face and made his way into the kitchen. There he grabbed a bottle of wine and a glass. He poured one, them two, then three. After he finished the first bottle he felt better. He soon forgot why he began drinking and just continued to drink.

When Mika returned home he only had Mel. Mika's sisters decided to take the kids for the night. They thought Mika and Michael could use a night alone.

Mika made his way in tote bedroom where he soon found his drunk fiancé. Michael was pouring some champagne into two glasses. When he saw Mika his eyes lit up and he held a glass out to him.

Mika couldn't help but laugh at Michael, "you are too cute. How much have you had love?"

"Not enough," Michael smiled as Mika walked over to the bed and grabbed the glass from him.

Michael Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now