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Andy and Ezra made their way into the secluded house. As Ezra walked in he tried to remember the layout. The kitchen was to the right of the doorway and the living room to the left.

They walked through the kitchen where Andy untied Ezra's hands. Ezra rubbed his wrists as he continued through the house. Just past the kitchen was a hallway.

There were three doors in the hallway. Andy led Ezra to the second one that was on the right. Ezra looked around the small room.

"Don't bother with the windows. If you try to run I will find you and kill you. Then I will kill the rest of your family," Andy said as he placed Ezra's bag on the bed.

"Don't worry. I won't run." Ezra said as he sat on the edge of the bed nervously.

"Good," Andy said as he walked over to Ezra.

Andy lifted Ezra's chin and stared into his eyes. Ezra's eyes were filled with tears. He was terrified.

"Kiss me," Andy said as he leaned his face down towards Ezra's.

Ezra gulped and nodded his head. Andy leaned further in and placed his lips on Ezra's. Ezra didn't kiss him back angering Andy.

Andy pulled back and slapped Ezra across the face. Ezra fell off the bed and held his face.

"I'm sorry! It won't happen again. I'm sorry," Ezra said as he knelt in front of Andy.

Andy pulled him up and made him lay on the bed. He straddled Ezra. Ezra gulped thinking about what might happened.

Ezra thought about Nola and Fortune. He was doing this to protect them. To make sure that they stayed safe. He knew he could count on Fortune to take care of Nola. And he hoped that Fortune understood why he was doing this.

Andy laughed and got off of Ezra. He winked at him as he left the room. Ezra let out a sigh of relief.

Ezra eventually wandered out of the room. He wanted to scope out the rest of the house. The room across from his was empty. It had plain white walls and a torn up rug in it.

Ezra closed that door and walked over to the one that was next to his. He stood in front of it and hesitated to open it. When he did finally open it he saw Mika.

Mika was asleep on the bed. He looked like shit. Ezra looked behind him to make sure Andy wasn't around. He walked right over to Mika to wake him up.

"Mika! Wake up!" Ezra whispered as he shook Mika.

"Ezra?" Mika asked as he opened his eyes.

"We need to get out of here," Ezra said.

"Oh really?" Andy asked from the doorway as he leaned against it with his arms crossed.

Ezra gulped and backed up. Mika sat up and glared at Andy as he started to take a step closer.

"Leave us alone Andy," Mika said.

"Ezra, I thought he had a deal?" Andy asked ignoring Mika.

Ezra lowered his head. Mika saw and stood up. He stood in front of Ezra and faced Andy.

"Fuck off Andy!" Mika said. "Why are you even doing this? What made you snap?"

"Snap?" Andy asked as he stepped closer to Mika and Ezra.

Ezra buried his head into the back of Mika's shirt. Mika reached behind him and grabbed Ezra's hand to comfort him.

"So?" Mika said.

"You Mika. You and that douchbag," Andy answered as he stormed out of the room.

Mika turned around to hug Ezra when Andy left. Ezra broke down as Mika held onto him. Andy suddenly bursted back into the room. This time he had his gun with him. He grabbed Ezra away from Mika and threw him to the ground. Ezra backed up against the wall in fear.

"Stop crying!" Andy demanded as he pointed the gun at Ezra. Ezra obeyed and stopped. Andy then turned back around to Mika. "Why did you leave me Mika?"

Mika crossed his arms and sat on the edge of the bed, "Andy, you cheated on me. Remember?"

Andy walked up to Mika, "you cheated to. We both did. I just want to go back go how things were before!"

"They can't! Not only did you KILL someone, but I'm in love with Michael. I'm going to spend the rest of my life with him."

"Not if I kill you!" Andy said as he pointed the gun to Mika's head.

Mika didn't even blink, "why?"

"Why what?"

"Why would you even think of killing me or anyone?" Mika asked.

Andy's face relaxed a bit, "Mika I don't want to. I didn't want to. Emmett wasn't supposed to die. No one was."

Mika grabbed Andy's hand and pulled him closer to him.

"I fucked up Mika..." Andy cried.

Andy dropped the gun on the floor and hugged Mika. He buried his was into Mika's chest and cried. Mika held onto him almost feeling bad for Andy.

Ezra took the opportunity to grab the gun. He picked it up and pointed it at Andy's head. Andy twisted around to face Ezra. Ezra had a look on his face that no one has ever seen before. It was an indescribable, scary look.

"Ezra..." Mika said.

Ezra gripped the gun tighter. Mika got up and slowly walked over to Ezra.

"Give me the gun," Mika said calmly to Ezra.

Ezra shook his head and got closer to Andy. Andy backed-up against the edge of the bed fearing for his life.

"How does it feel?" Ezra asked. "How does it feel knowing you are going to die?"

Andy didn't answer.

"Ezra!" Mika shouted. "Don't, I'm calling the police. Okay?" Mika said as he dug into Andy's pocket for his phone.

Mika called the police and they were on their way. But Ezra didn't care. He continued to inch his way closer to Andy. Ezra now stood just two feet in front of Andy. Mika stood in fear for Andy's life.

"The police are almost here Ezra. Just put-"

Mika covered his ears from the loud bang and then stood in shock staring at Andy. Andy now laid back motionless on the bed. Blood was spattered everywhere.

Mika, with his jaw still dropped, stared at Ezra. Ezra still had the gun in his hands. It was still pointed at Andy as if Ezra was prepared to shoot him again.

Ezra's face wasn't filled with fear or even guilt. It was filled with anger and hate. He hated Andy and he knew that this would be the one thing that he would never ever regret in his life. He told himself that it needed to be done. That it was the only way.

The police shortly entered the house and the bedroom. Mika still stood in shock at the scene. The gun was taken from Ezra and he was taken away in cuffs. Mika stared at him as they took him away. He was speechless and couldn't think.

Michael and mama went to the hospital to meet Mika. They must've hugged for hours. Tears were shed and 'I love you's' were said infinitely.

Michael and Mika then made their way to the police station. They sat for a few more hours before Ezra was released. Ezra was lucky. They determined it self defense.

The ride home was silent. Mika and Michael held hands the whole drive. Michael even rested his head on Mika's shoulder as Mika dove. Ezra sat emotionless in the backseat.

Fortune was passed out on the couch when they arrived home. Everyone else was also asleep. It was around midnight, so they understood.

Mika decided that he was going to stay with Michael at Ezra and Fortunes. Ezra walked right past Fortune and into his bedroom. He closed the door behind him, but it didn't stay closed for long as Fortune woke up and came in.

"Ezra, why didn't you wake me? Your dad just woke me," Fortune asked hurt.

Ezra didn't answer. He continued to undress and get into bed. Fortune started to get angry.

"Ezra? Are you okay?" Fortune asked as he grabbed Ezra's arm.

Ezra's face grew angry as he ripped his arm out of Fortunes grip. He then laid down and closed his eyes. Fortune sighed and left the room. He ended up sleeping on the couch.

Michael Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now