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Mika and Michael had officially been married for two weeks. They were beyond happy. There was only one week left in their honeymoon.

"I love you," Michael said as he laid on his side and stared at Mika.

"I love you," Mika replied with his head buried under the pillow.

"Are you tired?" Michael asked.

"Mhm," Mika answered as he nodded his head.

Michael sighed and laid on his back. It was midnight and Michael couldn't sleep. He stared up at the ceiling fan.

"I'ma go for a walk," Michael said as he jumped out of bed.

Mika had passed out, so he didn't reply. Michael slipped on his shorts and made his way to the beach. It was a bright night. There was a full moon and stars shining. He sighed as he wished Mika was with him to enjoy it.

Halfway down the beach he sat down just in front of where the water met the sand. He started to think of his and Mika's future. Wondering if his cancer would return. If it did, he wondered how long he'd survive.

The thought of his cancer returning scared him. It scared him more than he let Mika believe. Michael didn't want Mika to worry. He wanted him to worry about himself and his career.

Mika appeared out of nowhere and sat next to Michael. Michael rested his head on Mika shoulder.

"I thought you were sleeping?" Michael asked.

"I was, but I can't really sleep without you by my side. What's up Michael?"

"I'm just thinking," Michael replied as he shrugged his shoulders.

"About the cancer returning?" Mika asked.

Michael nodded.

"Michael you don't have to be strong for both of us. You need to be strong for yourself. I need to be worrying about you. Not you worrying about me."

"I can't help it," Michael said as he grabbed a handful of sand and let it slowly slip through his fingers. "I don't want to leave you. I'm scared."

"I know. But it's not coming back. I have a good feeling," Mika said as he kissed Michael's head.

"You know we've had sex everywhere except right here..." Michael said with a chuckle.

Mika laughed. Michael lifted his head and planted a kiss on Mika's lips. Mika grabbed Michael's face with both his hands and slipped his tongue into Michael's mouth.

Mika laid Michael back on the sand and pressed his body hard against his. Michael helped Mika pull his and his own clothes off. They laid naked in the sand and made love in the moonlight.

Michael Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now