The Sleepover

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I wake up slowly, noticing Beetlejuice's absence once more that night.
I hear movement coming from the far corner, my eyes go to it while I sit up, I see the vague outline of a figure sitting at my desk.
"Beetlejuice?" I call out to the figure and the figure continues moving, shining amber eyes bore into me as it looks at me.
"Beetlejuice?" I call out once more and I think I see it hesitate.
"Hey, sorry. I zoned out a bit there" his voice comes through the darkness.
"What are you doing?" I ask as I hear the scratches of a pen on paper.
The sound stops and I hear the familiar sound of my sketchbook being set down on the desk before he stands, walking up to the bed, I turn the lamp on and pat the spot next to me for him to sit.
"What were you drawing?" I ask, curious as to what he could possibly be sketching in the dark.
A moment of awkward silence passes over us as Beetlejuice sits next to me.
"Nothing, just got a little inspiration for a minute there." He says, I nod and lay against the pillows.
"I have moments like that, it just hits at three in the morning" I say, dropping my hands as I notice they've begun to fidget.
"Sorry, I'm being awkward. The only guy I've really been alone with was a boy who used to walk me home from school and I don't know why I just said that, never mind." I say, a hint of what appears to be jealousy or maybe possessiveness appears on his features for a moment before being replaced with a calm front.
"Someone jealous?" I say, teasing half heartedly.
"I am not jealous of some little boy." He says, I notice his hair turning pink as I pull the covers over myself.
"You sure? Your hair is changing colors" I say, he points to me and drops his jaw slightly.
"I am very secure, thank you very much" he says, laying on his back next to me.
I roll onto my side and reach my hand out to him, his cold hand slides into mine and I pull him onto his side, the abrupt pull causing him to jerk flush against me.
"A little rough there babes, I like it" he says, giving me a smirk as he looks at me, I let out a deep breath as his hands tangle in my hair, I bring a hand to rest on his neck, the other threading through his multicolored locks.
Expectancy and anticipation washing over me as we linger in our current position.
I drag my hand down from his neck and grab his tie, pulling him to me impatiently.
My eyes shut as our lips crash together, his cold lips pressing against mine making me forget the issues I desperately want to fix but can't.
The need for oxygen overcomes me and I slowly pull away from him, I open my eyes and watch as he blinks a couple times, our eyes lock as my chest heaves against his.
"Stay with me this time?" I offer, he nods and shifts so he's laying on his back next to me under the covers.
A few silent moments pass as we lay there, unmoving.
"Is this where it gets weird? Because if it is just tell me you don't like me so we can move on"
He gives me a look of disbelief before pulling me to him, his arms wrapping around me protectively.
"I like you plenty babes, just shocked that you like me due to the whole...demon thing" he says.
"Hey, some would kill to have a demon at their beck and call and I have one at mine because he has a small fascination with my life problems" I say, wrapping my arms around him and curling into him.
"That's not the only fascination I have with ya" He says, hands running up my sides as he plants a solid kiss against my lips.
As he pulls away his quiet laughter contagiously makes me laugh along with him.
"Goodnight babes" he says quietly, I shut my eyes and relax further into him.
"Goodnight Beetlejuice" I murmur against him, sleep taking over and a dream taking hold of me.

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