I'm Satisfied.

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"Lydia! It's time to get up! We have an exciting day ahead of us!" Delia's excited voice wakes me up and I groan loudly, Beetlejuice's arms tighten around me then loosen as he slowly wakes up.
I slip out of his arms and out of bed, deciding not to grab the monstrosity Delia calls a dress yet, instead I grab another pair of shorts and a tee shirt along with new underwear before going into the bathroom and turning on the shower, I place the clean clothes on the counter and undress quickly before stepping into the shower, shutting the glass door behind me and take my time showering.
I turn the water off and open the door enough to grab a towel, once I have the towel, I wrap it around my body and secure it as I exit the shower.
Beetlejuice stands in the open doorway as I brush my hair and teeth.
"Morning" he says, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder as I dry my hair with a blowdryer, I turn my head and place a kiss to his temple before going back to drying my hair.
Once my hair is dry I turn the blowdryer off and set it down on the counter.
"I need to get dressed" I say, he lets go of me and hovers in the doorway.
I smile at him, placing my hands against his chest as I push him out of the room before shutting the door and putting on the new clothes and throwing my old ones in the laundry basket.
Beetlejuice is standing where I left him as I open the door.
"It doesn't really scream 'business dinner' to me, but hey, what do I know" He says looking my outfit up and down.
I laugh and move past him to the vanity, explaining that I'm not going to put that thing on till last minute as I put on some light makeup paired with my usual dark lipstick.
"Lydia! Would you set the table? Your father is in his office and will be out at dinner." Delia calls up the stairs.
"I'll see you later" I say, giving him a kiss before leaving the room and making my way down the stairs, I take my time setting the table with the China dad has decided to use for the special occasion.
Immediately after I finish Delia asks me to get a specific box from the attic.
"What are you doing?" I ask the Maitland's as I enter the room.
"Nothing, what's up?" Barbara says, holding a book on how to make pottery, all I can think is that it suits her character to be into pottery.
"Just grabbing a box for Delia" I say as I lean down and grab a small pink and orange box as instructed and walking back to the door.
"Are we still on for later?" I say, hoping they don't go back on our plan.
"We will be there!" Adam exclaims excitedly.
A smile on both of their faces, a genuine happiness that I haven't seen in months from my father or Delia.
"Okay, I'll see you guys later" I say with a small wave before going back downstairs.
I set the box on the kitchen counter and glance at the clock, it reads: 12:06 pm.
Dinner is going to be served at five, I go back up to my room and sit on the bed next to Beetlejuice who pulls me close to him.
"I hate dinner parties that don't involve a murder mystery" I say.
"I can make that happen!" He exclaims excitedly.
I give him a look and he pauses his brief outburst of excitement.
"It's not a mystery when I know who did it" I say, his contagious laugh fills the air causing me to laugh along.
"You're right babes but, at least I offered" he says.
"And I thank you for that" I say, giving his hand a light squeeze.
We sit there, Beetlejuice reading aloud in a language I don't understand for an hour before I get up to fix my hair, I hear a commotion downstairs and decide to investigate.
"Delia!" I call out as I walk down the steps, as I get into the kitchen I see the source of the noise.
"Um, are you alright Delia?" I ask as she struggles with putting something into the oven.
A moment of silence passes over us as we look at each other from across the room.
"Yes! I am fine, do you think you could check on your father?" She asks as she finally gets the dish in and shuts the oven door, I hesitantly nod before leaving the room to go up to his office.
I knock on the door and after a moment he calls out to come in.
"Delia wanted me to check on you, make sure you're not drowning yourself in paperwork" I say, trying to make a joke to makeup for the awkwardness.
"I am alive, when did you start listening to Delia?" He asks distractedly as he adjusts his glasses while looking intensely at a paper.
"I've always listened to her, I just don't feel the need to follow through with some of her advice" I say matter of factly "Well, since you're obviously alright I'll see you at dinner" I shut the door behind me and go to tell Delia what his response was, as I get into the kitchen Delia is pouring a glass of juice and placing two plates with sandwiches on the counter.
"Wanna cup?" She asks casually, I nod as I sit at the counter.
She pours an additional cup and hands it to me and I give her a brief thank you before reiterating what my dad said to her as we eat lunch, making casual conversation.

Time Skip- 7:04 pm That Night.

"You make that yellow doily look good." Beetlejuice says, I give him a doubtful look before placing my hands on his shoulders.
"I'll see you soon." I say, giving him a long kiss, he nods, and with that I go downstairs.
"Father, Oh father dear. Did I hear the dinner bell?" I call out as I stop on the landing "so sorry I'm late everybody"
"Lydia, your dress" I hear my dad say over the collective gasp.
I join the group of people and Mr. Deane ogles me, grabbing my hand and placing a kiss to it, I zone out on his words.
"-What's the matter Chuck? Afraid I'd marry her?!" He exclaims, I jerk my hand away from him and a passing thought of how I would prefer to marry Beetlejuice makes me snap out of the initial alarm that this short, disgusting man has caused.
"This is going to be such an interesting night" I say as we take our seats.
"First, I think it would be so wonderful if our newest family member would make a toast, Delia" I say, Delia stands and begins talking.
"Day-o!" Delia's voice sounds out, people talk wondering what's going on.
"What's going on Delia? Are you alright?" I ask going along with the plan.
As the dinner party gets possessed into singing and dancing, the Maitland's come down onto the landing.
I watch on and when my father and Mr. Deane begin planning to make the Maitland's into a circus act for profit I stand on the table.
"Beetlejuice" I yell, he climbs up onto the table next to me.
"Beetlejuice!" One more time and he's free and hopefully I will be too.
"Gimme just one more" he says, grabbing my hand.
"Beetlejuice!" I scream, the lights flicker and thunder cracks.
"It's showtime" he says to me as he lets go of my hand and steps down from the table "welcome, welcome, welcome! Can everybody see me?!" There's a collective scream that comes from the party, I get off the table and sit in a chair as I lose track of what's going on as he manipulates the room around us, my father who, like the other guests is scared and panicking.
"He's really gone" I say as the business party rushes out of the house, I get up and stand next to Beetlejuice.
"Oh yeah, It's our house now kid" he says, pulling me close.
"Woah" I say, looking up at him.
"Looks like we're not invisible anymore" He says, leaning down and hugging me tightly, my arms looping around his neck as his hands move down to rest on my hips.
"They're gone!" Adam exclaims, causing me to pull away from Beetlejuice.
An hour of us sitting at the table talking as I eat dinner passes before we decide to clean up and play a few rounds of Texas hold 'em.
"I think it's time for bed, it's late and I'm sure you all need to rest." I say, standing up and pushing in my chair behind me.
They put the cards away and stand up, the Maitland's cross over to me and give me a hug as they say goodnight.
"Goodnight, see you in the morning!" I call down the stairs as I open my bedroom door and step in, shutting it behind me.
I turn to face my bedroom and run head first into Beetlejuice's chest.
"Sorry, didn't see you there" I say, he places his hands against the door on either side of my head.
My breath hitches and I close my eyes as he leans down, his lips softly meet mine in a way that opposites his personality, my hands tangle in his hair as I deepen the kiss.
"Thank you" I say, letting the back of my head hit the door as I catch my breath.
"For what?" He asks, smoothing my hair down with a hand.
"Being by my side" I say, he leads me to the bed and lays us down over the covers.
I hear a snap before I notice I'm in a long button down shirt with nothing else but my underwear and the lights are out making the room dark, the only light coming from the moon outside my window.
"I'm here for as long as you keep me here" he says in a broken voice, I wrap my arms around him and nuzzle into his neck giving him a soft bite before placing a kiss to the skin as he lets out a low groan.
"As long as you keep being fun to tease" I reply, tightening my arms as his wrap around me.
I shut my eyes and focus on the feel of him as I fall asleep.

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