25: Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for

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Everything I do (I do it for you) by Bryan Adams

Sam's POV

Colby's over at Brennen's again, he's been there a lot lately. He tells me they're just friends but I can't help but be jealous. I just want Colby to be mine again. I want to hold him, kiss him. 

He comes through the front door, laughing with Brennen. 

"Hey Sam," Brennen says. 

"Hi," I say, trying to smile. 

"We're going to watch a movie, wanna join?" Colby asks. 

"Um, no thanks. I'm not in the mood," I say. 

I don't want to see what would happen between them in a dark room. 

"Colby, why don't you go pick out a movie?" Brennen says to Colby.

"Okay," he says, happily skipping down the hallway to our movie room. 

Damn it, he's so cute. Brennen looks at me. Shit, I know what he's going to say and I don't want to hear it.

"You should join us. I think Colby would really like that," he says. 


"Colby would like it if you would join us. I'm sure he'd love to cuddle you," he says, smirking. 

"You're okay with this?" I ask. 

"Of course, anyone can see how much he loves you," he says. 

"I picked out a movie," Colby says, coming into the room. 

"Awesome! And Sam decided to join us after all," Brennen says. 

"Yay! Let's go!" he exclaims, pulling us down the hallway. 

Well, how can I say no now?  He's so excited. 

Brennen's POV

"You guys go ahead. I'm going to get some snacks," I say. 

I walk down the hall to the kitchen and grab some popcorn and drinks. When I get back, Sam and Colby are talking quietly. I stop outside the room, wanting to give them space. 

"I'm glad you decided to join us. I've missed you," Colby says. 

"I've missed you too," Sam says. 

They're silent for a while so I open the door and walk in to see them sitting very close together. Their hands were very close together like they had been holding hands before the door opened.  I smile at their awkwardness. 

"I got the popcorn and some drinks," I say. 

"Awesome, I'll get the lights," Colby says, getting up. 

The lights dim and Sam starts the movie. 

Colby's POV

About ten minutes into the movie, I feel a hand on mine. It's Sam. I lace our fingers together and he squeezes my hand. 

"I'll be back, bathroom," Brennen says. 

I pause the movie and look at Sam, who let goes of my hand. 

"Sam? Are you alright?"

He doesn't answer or look at me.

"Sam, what's wrong?"

He mumbles something that I can't hear.

"What was that Sam?"

"I'm sorry," he whispers. 

"Sam, you don't have to apologize," I say. 

"But you said-" he says. 

"I know, but I liked it," I say, reaching for him.

He moves closer to me and I wrap an arm around him. He holds out his hand and I interlace our fingers of my other hand. He settles into my chest and I wrap my arm around his waist. Brennen comes back but doesn't say anything, just smiles at us. He plays the movie.

 At some point during the movie, Sam lays his head on my shoulder and whispers, "I love you."

"I love you too," I whisper back. 

He smiles at me and leans in to kiss me. I lean in too but Brennen speaks up.

"I think it's time for me to take my leave," Brennen says, chuckling. 

We spring apart. Sam is blushing and I look at Brennen. 

"Sorry, Bren. We forgot you were here," I say. 

Sam looks down, clearly embarrassed. 

"Sam?" Brennen asks. 

"I- uh. I'll be back," Sam says. 

Brennen and I look at each other. "Go after him," Brennen urges me. 

I nod and leave the room to see Sam sitting in the hall. 

"Sam, what's wrong?" I ask, wrapping my arms around him. 

"Is he-e mad?" 

"Brennen?" He nods. "No, he isn't. Is that what's upsetting you?" 

He nods, "yeah-h. I don't want to hurt anyone or get hurt."

I kneel down in front of him and take his hands. "You won't. He knows how I feel about you. And how you feel. I love you Sam and I will fight for us always. Come back in with me." 

"But-t what if he gets mad...."

"You trust me?" He nods. "I won't let anyone hurt you." 

We walk back into the room, Sam hiding behind me. 

"Everything okay?" Brennen asks. 

"Sam was worried that you'd be mad," I say. 

"Oh," he says. "Sam, I promise you I'm not mad. You and Colby belong together." 

He gives Brennen a small smile and sits down again. I sit down next to him and pull him into my arms as the movie continues. Brennen leaves when the movie ends and Sam turns towards me. I pull him into my lap and kiss him. He kisses me back at once and melts into me. My arms snake around him and pull him closer to me, laying down on the floor with him on top of me. Things started to get more heated but then Corey comes in. He clears his throat and we break apart. 

"Uh, hey Corey," Sam says, his face turning red. 

"Hey Corey," I say, smirking. 

"I'm just gonna go. I don't need to watch a movie," he says, smirking. "Have fun" he says, winking. 

He starts kissing me again and starts to take off my shirt but I stop him. 

Sam's POV


"I'm-m sorry. I can't-t," he says.

"Colby, what's going on? Are you okay?" 

I reach for him but he moves away. 

"I'm-m sorry Sam. I just got caught up in the moment. This isn't a good idea," he says. 


"I'm sorry. I'm gonna go," he says. 

"Colby, hold on-" I grab his arm but he pulls away from me and leaves the room. 

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