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Music Background: For a Lifetime by Charles Bolt

Miguel could not think of any way on how to repay the doctor's service. So, he offered to cook for him instead.

Victor was not so petty as to make the poor boy pay for his professional fee when he was already under Henry's payroll. But there was something he would not refuse, and that was food ehem hospitality.

Miguel found that the doctor was goofy and a big foodie. He was a happy go lucky guy and liked to joke a lot which made Miguel smile. It was comfortable in his company. Miguel thought that he had made a new friend. Doctor Seville was so unlike Mr. Kingsley who was so uptight and stern.

Despite that, he couldn't help but feel thankful for that man. In his hazy mind he recalled being carried to his room. Maybe Mr. Kingsley was not so bad after all.

The doctor left the following morning after instructing Miguel to take care of himself. Miguel called his employers and took a day off. He spent the day trying to recuperate.

Henry wanted to check on the boy but it was already very late in the evening. It was almost midnight. Well who cared about the time. His house, his rules. He opened the bedroom only to find the boy still awake.

Miguel was startled when the door opened.

Miguel realized something about Mr. Kingsley that was quite different. His aura manifested a commanding presence. Whenever he was around, he seemed to fill the room. Miguel sensed this but he could not find the fitting words in his vocabulary. Right now, he felt an intense gaze coming from the man.

"Had I known that myemployee was a high maintenance, sickly careless boy, I would have not chosenhim." Henry sneered. "Everything in the villa can be used in your disposal,including the kitchen. It's not like I forbid you to eat. For fucks sake! Whyare you so stupid and so careless?"

Miguel bit his lip bottom lip.

"You may use the Black Audi in the garage. I can't believe how stupid you are to walk for hours to and from work. No one does that unless they are stupid. You could have asked for a car if you did not have one or called an Uber. You stupid boy!"

Mr. Kingsley's harsh tone and insults cut himlike a knife. Miguel was usually tolerant of other people's opinions but notnow. At the moment, he was so hurt and insulted. Miguel was a humble person. He was raised not talk back to his elders.But Mr. Kingsley was just so mean that he could not hold his tongue anymore.

"I'm sorry for being stupid enough to spend hours just to commute to and from work. It's not like I asked to stay in this place. I was perfectly fine in my apartment. It was more convenient to go to work from there. Everything was close. I'm sorry I'm stupid for not having a car nor calling an uber because of my circumstance. I'm sorry I'm stupid enough not to use a car because I don't know how to drive. I'm sorry for being independent. I don't like to be treated as a charity case. I'm sorry I'm stupid for not asking more. Next time I will act like a gold digger and use all your money and your things to my heart's content. I'm so-"

"Enough!" Henry roared. He left the room and slammed the door.

Miguel was shaken in his place. There was no hiding of the terror that he felt.

He touched his face, only to realize that tears had been falling from his eyes.

That night Miguel sniffled under the covers. His tears soaked the pillow. He could not help but cry. How could he not feel upset? He was sick, tired, and so exhausted and yet he got a scolding from Mr. Kingsley. Also, he was worried about another thing.

He just angered the boss big time. (゜ロ゜) What if Mr. Kingsley decided that he was dissatisfied with him talking back? Surely the man would not take back the money, would he? But what if he did? He could not afford to pay the money back pronto. He had spent a large sum already for his father's treatment.

Miguel woke up the following morningwith puffy eyes. He dreaded the long commute but there was no choice. Even ifhe was still weak, he had no choice but to ignore his pain otherwise he wouldnot earn the much-needed money.When he exited the main door, a man was waiting for him beside a black car. The man introduced himself as Tony, a 28-year-old, ex-marine. He was going to be Miguel's driver from that day onwards.

Miguel was at a loss on how to respond. But the ex-marine was quick to remind him that he had to get in the car if he did not want to be late. Traffic would be bad when they entered the business district late. Miguel hastily got into the vehicle. He placed the lunch bag on his lap.

The ride was quiet. Miguel was actually able to take a short nap while they were on the highway. It was indeed more comfortable to travel this way.

Miguel felt more efficient in his work as the stress from the commute was lessened. At the end of the day, Miguel asked Tony to drop by a supermarket. As he was shopping, he chatted with the doctor on the kind of food he preferred or any allergies that he had.

"Surprise me." The doctor included a wink emoji in his reply.

Miguel started to cook as soon as he arrived at the villa. Ystell seemed curious as to what he was doing. But she left him have free reign over the kitchen.

When the doctor arrived, the food was almost cooked.

Victor and Miguel's voice could be heard outside the dining room. The doctor was telling an animated story about his patient and Miguel could not help laugh.

Henry just arrived at the villa. When he entered the kitchen, he saw Victor leaning on the counter has he hovered around the boy. They seemed to be having fun. Suddenly his mood soured. 

Victor was the first to notice him.


Miguel dropped the ladle in shock.

"What are you doing here? I don't recall giving you an invitation." Henry said condescendingly.

Miguel hesitated but he turned around.

"I- I invited him Mr. Kingsley. I just wanted to cook to show my gratitude."

"Oh. So, you cook for every person to thank them?" Henry sneered.

"That's not what I meant, Sir." Miguel fidgeted. He was still troubled by yesterday's event and it seemed that he was still not forgiven based from Mr. Kingsley's sour mood.

"Oh, come on Kingsley, no need to be frumpy grumpy." Victor grinned and placed his arms over Henry's shoulders and pulled him to the dining room where food was already laid out. 

"Miguel cooked this especially for me to thank me for being kind and caring. Isn't that sweet?" He gloated.

Henry frowned.

Miguel felt Mr. Kingsley glaring daggers toward his direction. If looks could strike, Miguel would have been filled with cuts already. (T⌓T)

What did he do wrong again? Miguel tried to think of a million reasons but he came up empty. Mr. Kingsley should apologize to him for being rude yesterday.

Well, no. Hold on with that. They should both apologize to each other for their behavior. Miguel had to admit that he hadn't been very good either. His papa taught him better.

Henry scoffed. How about him? Where was hisspecial thanks? He was the one who carried the boy. He was the one whopaid for the doctor. But his spouse had the nerve to cook for anotherman!

 But his spouse had the nerve to cook for anotherman!

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