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Background Music: In the Mood for Love by Shigeru Umebayashi

His body was bent as he puked all of his stomach contents into the toilet

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His body was bent as he puked all of his stomach contents into the toilet. All the heaving had caused his muscles to cramp so badly that he was trembling. The stomach acid burned his throat. His vomit smelled of a nasty mix of a fruity scent, alcohol, and something else that he could not place. The mixture of pre-digested food and drinks floated inside the toilet bowl. It was disgusting.

Miguel spat in the bowl.

This is the last time. He promised himself never to drink again.

He pressed the flush when he felt that nothing was coming up anymore. Eventually, he exited the stall, and proceeded to the sink, where he gargled water and washed his face.

Only when he stood up straight to face the mirror, did he notice that someone was inside the restroom apart from him. To his horror, it was the CEO of their company.

The CEO heard me vomiting in the restroom! Miguel cried in his mind.

While he was panicking, Stephen handed him some paper towels. "Here."

Miguel reluctantly took them, and wiped his face dry.


"Do you feel better now?"

They both spoke at the same time.

Miguel cleared his throat. "Yes, Sir."

Stephen felt relieved. He thought of kicking the door of the stall open, when he heard no sound coming out for a couple of minutes. He was afraid that the boy must have fainted.

"That's great. I didn't know you were a light weight. You should drink less next time."

Miguel paled. There is a next time?

"Umh, Sir. Is it alright if I go home early?"

Stephen was not surprised. The young man must be feeling uncomfortable, not to mention traumatized, after the incident in the hallway. He nodded with understanding, and offered to bring the young man home.

"No, Sir. I don't want to impose." Miguel shook his head. There was no way that he was going to let the boss drive him. It was an unprofessional thing to do. He was just a lowly employee.

"I'm just concerned. I don't want an employee of mine to meet another drunkard along the way."

"Thank you, sir, but I am really alright. I can manage." Miguel smiled. The dimples popped in his cheeks, but quickly disappeared.

Stephen caught it, and thought he looked cute.

"Let me accompany you to get a cab at least?" Stephen sounded hopeful.

"Then, I will trouble you." That was the only thing that Miguel could agree on.

The two of them entered the lift. They both stood in silence, immersed in their own thoughts.

Miguel thought that he could just commute via a bus, and then walk the rest of the way. Taking a cab was expensive. He could not afford to waste any penny. But when he glanced at his watch, he saw that it was too late. There were no more buses at this hour.

Stephen watched the young man's lips draw in a cute little pout. He was curious as to what the boy was thinking. He wished that the lift would arrive on the ground floor much later. Unfortunately for him, the ride was smooth and they got to the lobby in just a few moments.

The two of them stood side by side. The taller man hailed the passing cabs. But it seemed that all of them were filled with passengers.

Stephen was going to offer to drive Miguel again, but he bit his cheek when a sleek black car pulled over in front of them.

Someone came out of the passenger door, and ushered Miguel to the back seat.

"Do you know this guy?" Stephen asked suspiciously. He held onto Miguel's wrist.

Upon seeing the spectacled secretary, Miguel pulled his hand away. Then he quickly said good bye to his boss.

"Ah, yes. Thank you again sir, for helping me with the incident back there. I hope that it will not bring you any trouble in the future."

"Nah, it's alright. That sleazy balding man has a bad reputation in the business circle."

"I shall go ahead now. Thank you again, sir." Miguel gave a slight bow.

Stephen waved him goodbye. He could still feel the warmth of the young man's skin on his hand.

Miguel sank into the black leather seat. It felt so comfortable to sit after standing in the cold night for so long.

When he looked to his left, he was surprised to see Mr. Kingsley. The man was as imposing as ever. Inside the small space, Miguel could smell the scent of the man's rich perfume, mint, and tobacco.

While he was processing what his senses gathered, he felt the man's sharp glare on him. But when he looked, the man was as impassive as ever.

"Fasten your seat belt."

When the instruction registered in his mind, Miguel fumbled with the strap.

"Tsk." Henry scowled. His usually neutral eyebrows were contorted in disapproval.

Miguel felt so small when the man leaned close to him. He could feel Sir Henry's warm breath tickle the skin on his neck. It sent a strange sensation below his stomach.

Just as quickly as he came, the man was back to his seat.

Miguel looked away in embarrassment.

"Let's go." Henry instructed the driver. He gave a quick side glance to his right, only to see the boy's flushed ears.

He looked away, but a smirk had already appeared on his thin lips.

The ride was smooth. There was less traffic since it was already very late in the evening. Kasumi's driving skills brought them to the villa in less than thirty minutes.

Before Miguel could enter his bedroom, his wrist was pulled. Suddenly, he found himself trapped against the wall. When the man leaned down to his level, Miguel couldn't help but be drawn into Mr. Kingsley's green orbs.

"Party B shall not be involved in a relationship with another person for the period of two years or until the divorce had been finalized." Mr. Kingsley's tantalizing voice filled Miguel's sensitive ears.

He felt the man lean even closer. In less than a millimeter, Mr. Kingsley's warm lips would touch his ears. Every breath of the older man against his skin ignited a mysterious heat inside him.

But the next words from that handsome mouth was like a cold water that was dumped onto his head.

Bonus Scene

Bonus Scene

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