Chapter 26: For a honeymoon

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Andre wondered why his boss returned to the estate every day. Even after serving him for many years, there are some things that remained a mystery.

It became a regular occurrence for Henry to apply medicine on the boy. He just couldn't help but punish Miguel for his testing his patience. No one ever dared to complain and defy him until this person arrived. The boy was not originally part of his plan. But when he heard what the old man planned to do, he had to do a pre-emptive measure. The duke planned to give him his rightful heritage in exchange, he had to marry someone. How could he accept such arrangement? This kind of meddling was precisely the reason why his mother died.

The Duke of Norwin was Henry's grandpa. He was already 85 years old and yet he maintains a firm hold over the Scott family, controlling the family's each and every move. The duke had four children, one daughter and three sons. Henry's mother, Beatrice Scott, was the first born. She was the heir apparent for the Dukedom of Norwin, which allowed any first child regardless of sex to inherit the title. However, she passed away from child birth. This placed Henry the next in line.

He was brought to the Scott family and grew up with a nanny. His life was harsh growing up. As far as he could remember, his relatives looked down on him because his father was a wild man. His mother never told anyone his father's name, not even to the Duke. Thus, he was considered a bastard child. His cousins made fun of him because of his unknown heritage. The duke turned a blind eye to their bullying. The duke saw him as the shame of their family. Had Beatrice married the Duke of Lancaster, he would not have been born.

The Scott family prided themselves for their connections. The children can only marry aristocrats who would bring benefits to their family. It was a big disappointment for Albert Scott when his daughter ran away from her marriage to the Duke of Lancaster who was one of the wealthiest nobles.

Ystell was the only one who cared for him. He had to compete with his cousins. And every time, he would win first place which caused them to hate him even more. His first uncle silently wished he would die so he could inherit the title.

George Scott, 53, was the first-born son, followed by Frederick, 50, and Charles, 48. All of them were married with children.

George married Mary Elizabeth Dormer, an English aristocrat. They had three children: John, 35, Georgina, 30, and Augustus 25. George works at the Keel Holdings, the Scott family's largest source of income. The Keel Holdings dealt with real estate, infrastructure, and transport. By working in the company, George wanted to show the Duke that he could handle it.

Frederick Scott married a young woman named, Anne Garmont, now 30 years old. They have a son named Ernest, 9. Frederick is the CEO of Starlight Entertainment. He was the most well-known among the sons of the Duke due to his business and his exposure to the media. He married a French woman, to his father's disappointment. The Scott family was mostly xenophobic, especially the Duke. But the Garmont family was not to be trifled with, so Albert hid his disdain.

Charles had four children with Victoria Drummond, 45. They had the twins, Patrick and Patricia both 28, Charleson, 25, and Jane 20. Charles is the President of Stone Corporation. This was handed to him by his father-in-law after marrying Victoria.

Fed up by his family's constant torture, Henry left the family when he was 18. The Duke was angered but his children rejoiced. Henry changed his surname to Kingsley. On the surface he is known as an investor but he is so much more.

Miguel kept saying that he could do it himself but no amount of words could sway Henry. The boy only ceased his protest after Henry threatened him. The boy would not be allowed to return to work if he continued his protests.

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