Chapter 00

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Author's Note to the Readers of Beloved Husband of a Billionaire

Sending my love to you who have chosen to read this BL Novel.

Wattpad is filled with interesting stories that can captivate us. I'm happy to share with you this book.

Miguel is a character who is both near and dear to me. I enjoyed showing you parts of his life.

I still remember when the viewership of this book was small. It was like a small little secret that only a few people know. But as the months passed by more and more people got interested in Miguel's story.

As the story becomes more interesting to readers, they can have quite the excitement. How do I know?

I'm a prolific reader myself. I know the feeling of wanting to read the next chapter as soon as possible so that my craving would be fulfilled. I checked my library each time just to see when my favorite book would be updated.

But I, as a reader, never told authors to rush their work. That, for me, is a big taboo.

I understand that books take time to craft. Writing is not something that can be rushed. No matter how good the author's imagination could be, their mind can become tired too. The countless hours spent writing and editing can be taxing to the mind and the body.

My health deteriorated because of writing nonstop just so I could release new chapters in the shortest span possible. So please be kind.


As an author I have to tell you this so that Wattpad will remain to be a pleasant community for all of us, readers and authors alike.

1. NEVER EVER tell me to update "FAST".

I feel discouraged when readers keep saying this. Please hear me out first.

As I have mentioned, I spend hours upon hours of crafting a story to the point that my health has deteriorated. Every day, I spend time to continue writing and editing. All night until dawn I do my best to write something. I wait until dawn just to release a chapter because the internet connection in my country is a mess.

Also, I do a lot of research and editing before writing. Gathering resources is not easy. It takes time and effort.

I have other projects aside from this book that I am determined to finish.

I am not paid for this work thus I have to prioritize RL.

2. THINK before you post.

Please keep the offensive words out from the comment section.

Make sure that when you post a comment it will not be offend anyone.

There are words that are easily misconstrued. Words when left carelessly can be taken by other people as an insult to them. Not all people have thick skin when it comes to derogative words. I do not want readers to fight in the comment section.

Guard your mind and your fingers. Think before you post.

How to Support the Author

1. Follow the Rules.

If you follow these things, then I, as an author, would feel much better when I go to the comment section.

2. Discuss about the characters.

I like good conversations that will help me with writing the book.

The way to butter up to me is to talk about my characters and my story.

How did they make you feel? Were you left confused by their actions? Do you think their motives are good? What would help make the character understand the action of another?

When readers evaluate the characters, it helps me keep track of how the characters are developing.

When readers ask 'what happened back in here or there', it helps me keep track of the plot holes.

When readers comment about how they felt about the characters or the scene, it helps me understand the characters better.

I read your comments and I respond when needed. You may ask me questions but I will not answer too much if I know that it could potentially spoil the plot.

3. Votes, comments, and follows

Your votes and comments help promote the book. When you subscribe to my profile, you get to have first-hand information from me.

4. Words of Support

I feel gratified when you post thank you messages. It's like a pat in my back for a job well done.

I feel loved when you check up on me in my message board or in my inbox.

I may not earn anything despite working painstakingly for this book, but your words of appreciation help ease the burden.

Your comments and what it means to me

I like reading comments. Some of them make me cry tears of laughter, others make me nod and agree to what you think. Some comments make me proud because I see that you are able to follow the plot of the story. The bunch of you are smart and helpful readers.

Please leave a vote before proceeding to the rest of the book so that I will know if you have understood my message.

With all my love,

~ H.J.


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