Chapter 32: To coax an angry little cat

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During breakfast the next day, Miguel kept his head down throughout the meal. He neither spoke nor looked at the person beside him.

Henry did not seem to notice as he was eating his own breakfast. "Did you receive any calls yesterday?"

Miguel's hand paused from picking the vegetables on his plate, and then continued to eat as though he heard nothing.

Henry stared at the boy beside him waiting for a response. A few seconds passed, yet there was nothing but silence. "Hey, I'm talking to you."

The dining room was filled with only the silent clinking of the silver ware against the plate.

"What's your problem now? If I am talking to you, you should at least respond."

There was a resounding clang in the dining room after Miguel put his silver down the plate.

"You are my problem." If there is one thing that Miguel hated the most, it's when people start to act arrogantly in front of him. Miguel is not a soft persimmon that can be kneaded. He can be coaxed but he can never be forced. He raised a well-shaped thick eyebrow.

"What did I do?" Henry was stunned with the boy's attitude. He was reminded of a grumpy cat, he once saw in an ad. Cats look quiet and well-behaved until the show their fangs and scratch you with their extend claws for no reason. The boy beside looked like a hissing cat, minus the fangs and claws.

"Why don't you reflect on what you did yesterday." Miguel stabbed a sausage from the serving platter to his plate.

In a bored tone Henry replied, "Yesterday, I talked to some acquaintances."

"And?" Miguel keep his gaze on his plate.

Henry recalled his memories of yesterday. Aside from throwing a challenging gaze at the head of the Bratva and warning the boy to stay from him, Henry could not recall anything else that may warrant such attitude from the boy. Also, why the hell was he explaining to this thin young man whose arms were only as thick as his wrist? Nevertheless, he still answered although his statement sounded more like a question in the end. "I held your arms tight but I already apologized for that."

Miguel became even more pissed off since he started cutting a piece of sausage on his plate, hard. He did not care that his arms were bruised when he woke up the following morning. At that time, he was surprised with the look of dominance on Mr. Kingsley's eyes. He had to admit that he was intimidated but that was not the point. "Think of what you did later."

Another minute passed as Henry recalled the scene. Suddenly his eyes lit up at the realization. "You mean the kiss? It was just a kiss. You don't have to make such a fuss about it."

Henry sipped a cup of coffee. He pushed the boy against the wall yesterday and kissed his lips. The boy's reaction served to ignite the predator in him. He wanted to devour his disobedient body, tame it to his pleasure. Henry had never met such a challenging person before. Whereas people would beg to have his arms wrapped around them, this short thin young man kept pulling away from him always maintaining some sort of a distance. For the first time, the urge to chase was ignited in Henry's body.

Hands clenched, the sausage became crushed under the dinner knife. Miguel could not help but frown. Looking up, he glared at the arrogant man sitting at the head of the table.

Sensing the piercing gaze, Henry turned to the young man. Somehow, he could not take the boy's gaze seriously especially with the appearance of the two dimples on the boy's cheeks. Instead, he adjusted his expression to a curious look. What did he do again? Didn't he explain already?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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