Chapter 3

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Tom's POV: My appointment at the doctors suck and that I need to take these medication pills for my stress, but my mind keeps going back on why Matt the shyest and cutest boy out of my two friends would want to help me? Anywho I'm back home taking my stupid medication and sitting on the couch watching a news report about the 1st year anniversary about that day.


Tom: *kicks door down with mad face*
Tord: *turns his head around* huh!? Tom!? What are you doing here?
Tom: I was gonna ask you the same thing! Why are you here!? *points to Tord's face on WANTED poster*
Tord: *puts his arms up* okay you got me, I only came back to get something I left behind *grins*
Tom: left behind what!?
Tord: this~ *pushes button and a light box appears coming down above Tord's head putting a helmet on him* my hat!
Tom: *blank face* oh
Tord: why? What'd you think I was gonna do?
Tom: I uh
Tord: besides, it goes really well with my giant robot *evil grins*
Tom: heheh, wait what?
Tord: *pushes button again and drops down hole going into his robot*
Tom: holy! *runs off inside the house trying to avoid Tord's machine gun bullets out of his robot arm*

-present time-

"Tom? Tom! Can you hear me!?" I shake my head side to side and see my good friend Edd standing in front of me worried with a can of cola in his hand, "Edd? What are you doing in my apartment?" "Actually I decided you should sleep in my apartment for the night since Matt told me about your stress" "He did!?" Damn it that stupid cute narcissist ginger! "Yeah, Matt asked me to take care of you till tomorrow night" "why?" "Idk, he never told me why, he just asked me to and I said I will and so here we are now, he's in his apartment now sleeping" "oh okay..." I sighed and laid down on the couch.

Edd's POV: I looked at Tom seeing him make a little sad face, "you okay Tom?" "Y-yeah, just... Edd don't call me a weirdo for this..." "what do you mean?" "Today...before the appointment, I was... oh boy how can I say this...?" "What did you do?" "Matt was talking to the receptionist about my appointment, I felt like I did the stupidest thing ever... I was checking on Matt's butt..." my eyes widen, did he just say what I think he said? "You were checking out Matt's butt?" I start to snicker a bit, "yes, it's not funny! I feel bad but I'm glad he didn't notice me staring.."

"Oh Tom I see what's going on~" "what?" "Your in love with Matt!" "W-what!? No I'm not!" "You sure are Tom! I see those red cheeks!" "S-shut up! Besides all I did was stare at his cute big sexy butt..." I start to laugh my head off "BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I knew it Tom! Your in love with Matt! Admit it!" "Ugh fine! Yes I'm in love with Matt! But he'll never love me back..." "I can help you with that" "you can?" "I sure can!" I point to my cola can "That's the worst pun you've ever said" "I don't care"


Tord's POV: I'm sitting in my office at my desk with the happiest smile on my face "I can't believe it, Matt said yes to go meet him at the arcade. I better get my clothes for tomorrow ready so I don't forget!" I walk to my bedroom and grab out my old red hoodie which was slightly torn on the right sleeve but shrugged a bit, I grab out a pair of black jeans and a red belt that Matt had given me back in high school! I couldn't wait for tomorrow because I've had a huge crush on Matt since kindergarten but I never had a chance to be with him because of Tom always getting in the way!

After getting my clothes ready for tomorrow, I jumped into my pyjamas and got into my bed ready to sleep but I was interrupted by a phone ding indicating I had received a message, I grab my phone and saw the message was from Matt

💜Matty💜: Hey Tord, what do you wanna eat after going to the arcade?

❤️Tordy❤️: I think maybe we go and get a pizza to share?

💜Matty💜: Alright then, see you tomorrow!

❤️Tord❤️: see you~ 😉

💜Matty💜: bye! ☺️

I chuckle to myself as I put my phone down and turn my lamp off soon falling asleep, "I love you Matt..."

(Over 776 words, two chapters in one day? Jeez what's with me today? I also drew that nearly two months ago)

"The Shy Boy" (A TordxMatt and TomxEdd story)Where stories live. Discover now